quick q

<p>I've caught on that regardless of my stats, Yale and comparable places are basically reaches for everyone- but I had a safety question. I have a 2260/4.0/ top 5 in class/ Sat2's over 700/ strong EC's, etc. and was wondering if I could consider Lewis and Clark to be a safety. I also plan on applying to my local state school, but I would prefer something much smaller.
Also if you have any other ideas for good west coast safeties, it would be very much appreciated.</p>

<p>Thank you all so much.</p>


<p>Lewis and Clark is safe.</p>

<p>I'm just familiar with the California schools- Santa Clara University, Pitzer College, Loyola Marymount, Occidental College, Pepperdine University, and the UC colleges of Merced, Riverside, Irvine, Davis, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and quite possibly San Diego; the University of San Diego, University of San Francisco are should all be relative safeties (that is, if you don't screw up your application). Best of luck,</p>
