<p>I'm new to this whole forum, but I thought I might as well ask here. I'm applying to Penn this year, in addition to several other top schools, and my standardized test scores are clearly the weakest part of my application.</p>
<p>I have taken the SAT three times and I do not plan on taking it again (for obvious reasons). This past October, I received my highest score in one sitting (1980), and my super score is now 2010.</p>
<p>Critical Reading - 660 (Should have been better)
Math - 600 (Yeah, that's the weakness)
Writing - 750
Essay - 10</p>
<p>I took the ACT this fall and received a composite score of 28. The breakdown was as follows:</p>
<p>Reading - 31
Math - 24 (At least I'm consistent! Ha)
Science - 21 (Oh, yeah, hm)
English - 35
Essay - 9</p>
<p>I just re-took the ACT yesterday, but I have no idea how it went.. Likely about the same.</p>
<p>Obviously, my scores are not the most competitive, so I don't need to be told that. My main question is - which set of scores is strongest? SAT or ACT?</p>
<p>And I googled conversion charts, but I’m pretty sure some of them are inaccurate… and with the official College Board chart, I’m confused. Essentially, it told me that my writing score looked stronger on the ACT but that the rest looked the same if I went ACT or SAT (Stuck at the 28 - 1260 combo).</p>
<p>Thanks for the help everyone. My scores are not very strong, but I’m hoping everything else I do works out… it is possible to get in without perfect standardized testing at Penn, correct? I actually got the impression that out of the ivies and top schools I’m interested in, Penn places a relatively lower emphasis on scores… which is good, for me.</p>
<p>Oh, and catalina21 - why exactly do you say that SAT is stronger, “for sure”? I really wanted a 30 on ACT, because I feel like that is the cut off for excellence, while with the SAT I just aimed for over 2000 - and got it.</p>