Quick Question About AP Bio Credit

If I accept the credits for AP Bio and got a 4 or 5, would it cover Zoology 101 and/or 102?

UW courses are always going to have more and or different content than AP courses. The same thing holds true for taking a college course at another school. You choose the school because of what is taught in the courses, you expect more from UW than from an average college. AP courses are not expected to cover material at all levels of colleges. There are times you can get the college credit from an AP version and still get credit for taking a UW version. Check the UW website- that is where I would get any info to pass along to you here.

Thank you! I will take both anyway.

What is your intended major?


Zoo/Bio 151 is listed but not 101 or 102.

I plan on going into Animal Science and want to graduate a semester or two early, and Zoo 101 & 102 (animal biology) are pre-reqs for a lot of my classes and would have been nice to get out of the way, but I figured they weren’t covered. I’ll just take them first semester freshman year and push some classes to first semester sophomore year or take some in the summer.

Another option is to take the AP credit for 151 and enroll in 152. It is offered fall semester. 101/102 seems to be a one semester bio intro that has class and lab listed separately. 151/152 is a 2 semester intro sequence that covers similar material in greater depth. The classes that have 101 + 102 as prereq accept 151 + 152 as alternative. You would end up learning more biology, get a better grounding. That is if you have interest and are comfortable with the AP Bio material. I am guessing the fall section of 152 is full of freshmen coming in with AP Bio credit. 646 of last year’s freshmen with 4/5 took the AP credit. http://apir.wisc.edu/admissions/2014_AP.pdf

Thank you so much!!! Will definitely do that instead. Need to spend more time reading pre-reqs… X( Thank you again!! :slight_smile:

Okay, one more question about credit, if I get a 4 or 5 on the Calculus AB exam and take the credit, would it cover MATH 114, 112 or 113 (or all three) or just MATH 221?

You are welcome. I have been reading course info lately as my S is incoming freshman. But I don’t actually know much about Bio. S is taking the AP Bio credit but don’t know if he’ll take anything beyond that.

For math, if you have credit for 221, it is assumed you know the material in those lower level classes and you don’t need them. You don’t get any college credits for them though, just for 221. There is a math placement exam for incoming freshmen that tests those high school math skills. If you have trouble with that, you might be encouraged to rethink accepting the credit for 221 and perhaps to repeat first semester calculus instead. But the exam is not difficult if you know your algebra/trig well.

Allright, the reason I asked is because my major requires either Math 112 & 113 or 114. It didn’t say anything about Math 221, and I really don’t want to take any of those other three. Thank you again!

Be aware that Bio 152 includes a lengthy research project that students in Bio 151 get a head start on with advice on finding a professor to work with in advance of the semester.

Oh, well, that’s a bummer. Maybe I could contact a few bio professors before the class starts and see what happens.