Zoology 101

<p>Just wondering if anyone has taken this class and their thoughts. I'm thinking
of taking it next semester and would like to know what to expect. I did take
AP Bio in high school, how would you compare the two? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>I’m taking it now. Never took AP Bio, so can’t compare, but what was your score on the AP test? If it was 4 or 5, you don’t have to take Zoo 101, just so you know - I had a problem like that with Psych 202 so I just wanted to give you a heads up.</p>

<p>It’s not that hard. There are three different professors, we’re just finishing up with the first one right now, so that’s a little weird. It’s pretty technical but I think it’s straightforward. Exams are at night though, which is obnoxious, there’s one the Thursday of Halloween weekend…who does that?! As long as you keep up you really shouldn’t have any problems. I don’t even mind going to that class very much and I’m not a science person.</p>