<p>How/when do I pay rent? Does it get billed to CARS each month? Or do I send a check to the main office every month??
And has anyone received their roomate info yet?</p>
<p>I received my roommate's info a while ago, but I know a lot of people who haven't. They seem to be really disorganized there. But anyway, I'm not sure either about how payment works. I think if it were to be billed to CARS it would've happened by now, so you probably pay somewhere else.</p>
<p>I haven't received any information either...</p>
<p>Anyone else know something?</p>
<p>Berkeley no longer mails out paper bills, it is online. You should set up your electronic funds transfer and view your EBill on bearfacts. The money is always due on the 15th of the month. Online is easier, it is direct deposit but they still accept checks, I believe (no point in that though unless you want a few days buffer). Just remember to check your Ebill every few weeks.</p>