Quick Question

<p>If my mother is Salvadoran, meaning I am 50% Salvadoran, does this mean I should check the Hispanic box when taking the SAT's and when applying? Will this benefit me significantly?</p>

<p>Also, is being Hispanic still considered a hook if I am from a high-income family? I’m the oldest of 3 kids and the first going through this process, and am trying to figure it all out(:</p>



<p>Please read post #1 of the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum. It describes how college admissions uses the US Census definition of Hispanic, what it comes down to is do you identify as Hispanic?</p>



<p>For standardized testing, being Hispanic helps for the PSAT because you may qualify for NHRP recognition and there are colleges that give merit scholarships to for NHRP. NHRP uses a different definition of Hispanic than college admissions, see the NHRP thread on the first page of threads for their qualifications. Also read the thread about colleges that offer scholarships for NHRP, also on the first page. If you are a jr who took the PSAT this fall but didn’t mark Hispanic and feel that you should have, you may still get recognition, but must have your HS GC contact NHRP when the Regional cutoffs come out this spring. </p>



<p>Please see post #2 here, and the thread linked to in that post for some discussion of how college admissions works for Hispanic students:</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/1229462-does-being-hispanic-have-any-impact-all.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/hispanic-students/1229462-does-being-hispanic-have-any-impact-all.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;