Quitting a job

<p>I've been working at a restaurant from February of this year to now, twelve hours per week. I want to quit in the beginning of September. I like this job so much, but I have more important academic things to do. Also, this job is perfectly irrelevant to my career goal.</p>

<p>How do you quit a job politely? I'm afraid my employers will get mad at me. Is it looked badly on a resume or by future employers if you stayed in a job for only 6 months? Will I look like a job-hopper who constantly hops around different jobs and doesn't stay in one much long?</p>

<p>Since this is my first job, I don't know how the process of quitting works.</p>


<p>Just give them two weeks notice and be done with it. If you are a student and are leaving for academic reasons then your employer should understand.</p>

<p>I'd be frank with your manager and let them know you need to focus on school. If you're interested in coming back during school breaks, then ask if you'd be able to do that. A lot of places are willing to let good employees come back as it saves them training costs.</p>