R-MC Accepted or Not?

<p>Sooooo this seems like a dead forum...but I thought I'd start something for people who were interested in or got in already at R-MC.</p>

<p>I got accepted :-)</p>

<p>Dear sweetpri,
Yes i have been accepted to RMC as well..however i am not sure whether i plan to enroll. I am from a small,conservative town in PA. RMC seems very appealing and beautiful..but i really do not like how small the school is..plus i heard a alot of kids go home on the weekend! I am def. not going there if no one is going to be around on the weekend!! I plan to visit in march..tell me your thoughts on the school! Thank you!</p>

I haven't yet visited the school, but I plan to visit at the end of February. I really don't know much about the school at all...the only reasons why I applied was because it had my preferred major and was in a good location. I didn't actually even know the college existed until I heard from one my friends who attends the R-M Women's College. I guess I'll wait until I visit to decide though...then maybe I'll have a clearer idea of how the school really is.</p>

Yeah..I am planning to visit in March or April. What is your major? (if you don't mind me asking) You metioned that it was in an ideal location..it's in ashville right? which is right outside of richmond? I have never been to richmond..but i hear it's a pretty cool city. I hope it's not that far away from rmc, since i will not be bringing a car my freshman year. I am planning to major in Psychology or communications ( i don't even know if they communication as a major). Thanks for the quick response! respond asap!! also..where else are you thinking about going??</p>

I'm planning on majoring in Biology (also covering the bases for pre-med, as I want to go to med school later). The school is in Ashland, VA, and is about 25 minutes from Richmond. The website said that there is a train station across the street from campus which can take you practically anywhere in Virginia, so not having a car shouldn't be a problem--I won't have one either. As for majors, you should check out the website or call the college to request a course book, which will give you all the information you need on AP credit, class structure, study abroad programs, etc. I'm pretty sure they offer psychology, but I'm not sure about communications.
So far, the schools I've applied to are R-MC, R-MWC (the women's college), Emory U, U of NC Chapel Hill and U of NC at Wilmington. I've been accepted at both Randolph-Macon schools, but I'm still waiting on the other three.<br>
How about you, what are your other options?</p>

<p>Wow, finally a post or two in this section. I just applied to RMC (as in like, Monday) mainly because they sent me so much email. It's not quite so high on my college list, but then again, I haven't visited yet. Plus, not to sound cocky, but I'm kind of hoping for a scholarship.</p>

Here are the following schools I am considering:
Quinnipiac University(it's located in New Haven, Connecticut), Loyola College in Maryland, Roger Williams University, R-MC and Elon University. I'm kinda everywhere!! I've heard and been accepted at Quinnipiac,Roger Williams and obviously R-MC, I won't find about the others till April.
The train tracks do go right through Ashland..my parents stopped there this past summer while on a train..so that is easy transportation. R-MC also offered me some money to go there...so it seems very appealing. Wow your schools seem awesome!! and very difficult to get into..haha you must be a very studius student!! Well the best of luck to you. Do you have a first choice school? And..do you know anyone who actually attended or attends R-MC? No one is my school has..</p>

I'm really not that studious, most of the highly-reputed schools are only because of my parents. My first choice actually is Emory though. I don't really know anyone at R-MC, but I was introduced to the school by a friend who attends the women's college. But anyways, good luck at all the other schools you're waiting for.</p>

Well I'm incredibly glad that you're applying to R-MC. It's nice to meet possible future friends before you actually get to college. Good luck on getting accepted as well as getting the scholarship!</p>

<p>I got in today :)
There was a nice hand written note at the bottom of my acceptance letter - oh the perks of small schools. Plus a scholarship offer - it just made my day.</p>

<p>:-) That's awesome news Eckie! Where else have you applied/are you hoping to go?</p>

<p>I've gotten into Penn State and University of Maryland, Baltimore County and I'm still waiting to hear from Wake Forest, University of Maryland, College Park, American University, and UPenn.</p>

<p>UPenn is my top choice, but I doubt I'll get in.</p>

<p>Looks like I might be visiting R-MC on the 25th though.</p>

<p>Hey me too! Guess we'll be seeing each other there...I'm kind of excited about going, it's my first visit there.</p>

<p>Are you going for the Presidential Scholars shindig?</p>

<p>Yep...although I hadn't quite been thinking about it as a shindig...</p>

<p>just out of curiosity, whatre you planning on wearing for saturday?</p>

<p>and shindig is just my nondescript word for event.</p>

<p>uhhhhh...well I hadn't quite thought that far ahead. Most likely something semi-formal...like not one of those ultra-formal skirt-jacket suits, but nice pants and a shirt...basically just not jeans and a t-shirt. </p>

<p>btw, thanks for bringing this to my attention...I would have ended up going crazy on Friday night...</p>

<p>I called and asked and the lady said it was kind of dress up? And I only either have jeans or black dress pants.</p>

<p>So its looking like a dress pant /cami / blazer day.</p>

<p>Hey guys... My friend showed me these forums and I found that there was a little discussion going on about my future school! I am from the Richmond area which is just about 40 minutes away from Ashland where RMC is. I just really discovered the school this year because I was basically looking for nearby schools so I could stay around my hometown. I got accepted and got into the scholarship program as well. :) I had my interview in January, so I could answer any last minute questions you guys have if needed.</p>

<p>Anyway, the scholarship experience was really wonderful. I had a nice conversation with a bio professor in his office and we basically just talked about scientific research. I ended up with a pretty good scholarship which has made the college really affordable to me as well as admissions to the honors program. So I decided to go there.</p>

<p>I've visited three times now and I really have started to love it. The campus is gorgeous and it's such a nice small community there. Everyone has been really friendly. I am particularly impressed by the academic commitment of the staff and the programs... There are so many opportunities with internships and studying abroad, and they even have a program especially for freshmen known as the First Year Experience (FYE) which combines 2 seemingly unrelated subjects into a 2-semester course. There is so much hands-on interaction. Also, the freshmen live together in the Freshmen Village so it's a good way to get close with your classmates.</p>

<p>The only thing I'm really nervous about is the social scene, I guess. I've heard that there's a lot of partying/drinking which is not really my thing. Also... I live in the Richmond area, and there is a kind of way about us Richmonders that I have really gotten tired of after spending my life here, haha. I hope that in the small community I will be able to find a group of peers with whom I can really connect!</p>

<p>My main concern is the lack of placement in law schools for RMC graduates :(</p>

<p>Anywho, it's tomorrow :)
And I have to get up at 5 AM :(</p>

<p>don't worry...there seems to be a lack of placement in med schools for RMC grads too...</p>