<p>there are a lot of racsist bastards on here. technically, youre considered as an african american.</p>
<p>I'm certainly not the expert here, but you could do what you describe (i know people who have done similar things)</p>
<p>Thanks for all the help. I was thinking that I would probably be binded to put "Caucasian" and "Other" and I don't consider myself African-American. That said, I was just wondering if some geography could help me out in the college app process. As to whether or not I could get away with putting African-American, I'm still up in the air about. I'd have to ask some college rep or my counselor.</p>
<p>i know someone who was from egypt, and he put african-american. You're not lying about anything. It's true.</p>
They (Colleges) dont check to see if you are African American.. but seriously if you think you are white check white otherwise if you want to use the system as a tool (I really dont care) sure, go ahead!</p>
<p>"The following items are optional. No information you provide will be used in a discriminatory manner:</p>
<p>Place of birth ___________________________________________________
City State/Province Country
Social Security Number (if any) _______________________________________
First language, if other than English___________________________________
Language spoken at home _________________________________________
Marital status: p Never married
p Married
p Widowed
p Separated
p Divorced (date ___________________<strong><em>)
If you wish to be identified with a particular ethnic group, please check all
that apply:
p African American, African, Black
p Native American, Alaska Native (date enrolled _</em></strong>_________________
Tribal affiliation_________________________________________<strong><em>)
p Asian American (countries of familys origin _</em></strong>____________<strong><em>)
p Asian, incl. Indian Subcontinent (countries _</em></strong>_____________<strong><em>)
p Hispanic, Latino (countries _</em></strong>_________________________<strong><em>)
p Mexican American, Chicano p Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander
p Puerto Rican p White or Caucasian
p Other (specify _</em></strong>______________________________ _____________)"</p>
<p>LOL....... Yeah right!</p>
<p>I DEFINITELY don't think I'm white...never considered myself white, so why would I check that box when college app time comes around? Nope, I'm definitely checking African-American/Black, AFRICAN.</p>
<p>it makes more sense.</p>
<p>I wonder, is Puerto Rican considered the same as Mexican? In terms of being a URM?</p>
<p>Well, if you're from Africa but not black, then you're not considered racially African-American. Don't mislead the colleges -- check "other" and explain your situation.</p>
<p>Color-coding once it starts - can never be put back in the box, and we are now seeing massive abuse</p>
<p>Citation X, did you take your name from the Edward Norton movie, "American History X?"</p>
Well, if you're from Africa but not black, then you're not considered racially African-American. Don't mislead the colleges -- check "other" and explain your situation.
<p>What is "racially African-American"? Is it the new PC word for black?</p>
<p>Are you reading what you're writing? If you're from Africa, but not black, then you're not considered "racially African-American." This is amazing.</p>
<p>OP knows he has Egyptian heritage. You're saying that he's not allowed to check African-American.</p>
<p>Are you saying that someone who has no idea which modern African nation he descends from is allowed to do so, simply because he may be "racially African-American"?</p>
<p>no, the airplane</p>
<p>Technically, you are Caucasoid. However, since you are from "Africa" you can put "African-American" i guess.</p>
<p>its just like a white South African putting "African-American" on their app.</p>
<p>Some of these posts are a classic example of the fact that once
COLOR CODING begins there is no end to the process and now its evolved into a complete gaming of the system</p>
<p>Unfortunately due to Justice O'Connor's "critical mass" decision in Grutter v. Bollinger, 539 U.S. 306 (2003), the Univ of Michigan Law School case, color coding (probably for the next decade at least) is now enshrined into american life</p>
<p>Race based discrimination up until this decision had alway been deemed in violation of equal protection</p>
<p>Affirmative action as it now operates, as a de facto, cleverly disguised, quota system, will only further marginalize the very class of individuals its alleged to be assisting.</p>
<p>No, Fabrizio, I don't think you understood what I was saying (or maybe I wasn't clear enough).</p>
<p>I'm saying that colleges see RACE and NATIONALITY as two separate issues. When they ask you to fill out a race/ethnicity box, they don't care what country you're from, they care about a "racial" category. Did you read the description that someone posted above for the common app? They gave a very clear description that said something like "black / negroid races of Africa," to which this person clearly does not belong. Therefore, it would be misleading to read the category, see that this person does not fit what the college is asking for, and then check the box anyway.</p>
<p>However, in terms of NATIONALITY, this person is African-American. However, as the term is used in America, "African American" is a racial, not a national/international category.</p>
<p>Now, I know that race is a societal construction and that there is no such thing as an objectively defined "black" race. However, our society has defined one, and therefore it is real as far as your college application is concerned. They have given a clear definition of what is "African-American," and if you don't fit the definition, it is dishonest to check the box.</p>
<p>If he strongly feels that his "race" and not just his nationality is African American , then he should check that box because it's up to him to determine his own racial identity. the app does not say he has to be Black or "negroid". On nearly all apps, the concept of race is obscure (which is not his fault) because race is not defined in society. If he does not truly believe he is African American and only wants the benefits, then checking the box would be dishonest, but this is something only he would know.</p>
<p>Again, did you see the citation above?</p>
Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "Black, African Am., or Negro," or provide written entries such as African American, Afro American, Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian.
<p>You cannot "truly believe" that you fit into the above definition if you are Arab/Middle-Eastern/Mediterranean. It is as simple as that. You may "truly believe" that you are "racially" "African American," but then you are defining "African American" in a different way than is explicitly stated on the form, and therefore you are being dishonest by checking the box.</p>
<p>Even if the form just says "African American," it still is assuming the more or less accepted definition of what "African American" means in the United States, which is the above definition. Colleges do not consider Middle Easterners to be African American, regardless of their country of origin. Since the applicant knows this, once again, he or she would be dishonest by checking the box, even if it's not explicitly stated on the form.</p>
<p>Honestly, is it that hard to check the "other" box and then elaborate? That way you can fully explain how you identify yourself and why. This avoids dishonesty and confusion.</p>
<p>You folks need to look at ILoveBrown's comments more critically (it's clear to me more than a few of you didn't understand his statements) because he/she is quite correct about the state of affairs IN THE UNITED STATES. And like I said earlier, if you argue that an Afrikanner (Dutchman) born in Johannesburg, now residing in the U.S. is an African-American, you need an extensive review of American history, anthropology and sociology. Fortunately, most college admissions officials are more attuned to these issues.</p>