Racial Concerns at UA

@DavidPuddy According to the University of Alabama’s Common Data set they have 1.2% Asian Students. The state of Alabama seems to have under 2% Asian population. I am just surprised since UA seems to be making strides to attract high stats students that there aren’t more Asian students taking advantage of the scholarships.

I think the low number of Asians (percentage-wise) is likely a reflection of the lower number in the population of the State of Alabama and the preference of many Asian-American parents that their kids attend prestige schools or schools on the coasts (where the percentage of Asians is higher).

FWIW, my son’s roommate is a Chinese-American Alabamian, and he has another good friend who just graduated who was Indian-American, also from Alabama, and both on scholarship.

Thanks @janiemiranda , pretty much as I expected. Very low population segment in a state would translate in some way to a very low population segment at the state flagship.

@LucieTheLakie , I think you nailed it.

Anecdotally … at the very brief milling around at Bama Bound registration this morning, I saw quite a cross section of new students. I did not (and typically do not) try to get an accurate racial breakdown, because that seems weird to do, but my general thought was “what a diverse looking group of new students” followed by “I think all these kids are a heck of a lot smarter than me when I was their age”.

My observation on diversity extends to the red shirted student volunteers as well, that shepherded clueless parents and kids to find the registration. My thought there was “these kids are a heck of a lot more polite than I was when I was at their age”. :slight_smile:

Alabama has many Asian international students. The international Asian students are not counted in the Asian 2%

A lot more detail if you want to sort through it here: http://oira.ua.edu/new/reports/?tags[0][0]=Race%2FEthnicity

I don’t know if there is any reason to explain why the number of Asian Americans at UA is at 2%, since that number appears to approximate the numbers in the general statewide population. My Asian son applied last week, and if all goes well, that percentage should go up by .01%.