Radio, dance

<p>Do any of you current students listen to the TUFTS radio station? Is it any good? Do people actually listen? It sounds from their playlists like they have some good shows.</p>

<p>Also, is anyone going to be in the student-choregraphed dance concert this weekend? Let us know how it is, if anyone sees it.</p>

<p>you mean TDC? My neighbor's in it. Actually, everyone and their mom is in it, I know at least twenty people performing.</p>

<p>Radio has good shows but I don't think anyone listens to it, besides maybe friends of the people on the show. I feel like that's okay though, it gives the people more freedom to talk about whatever they want.</p>

<p>I just hope to god whatever dance they coreograph that they aren't calling it "Hip Hop."</p>

<p>Haven't you wealthy suburbanites done enough to damage our culture already? Enough with it all.</p>

<p>dude, yall damaging your culture yourself. I came for Minority Weekend and saw a "Carribbean Dance Group" which was basically people f**king onstage. Traumatizing. So much humping. One time it was four guys ploughing into four different orifices on a girl's body. Even more hilarious, a guy proposed to the coordinator on that same stage a few minutes later.</p>

<p>ETA: I don't pretend that I know how to dance, though. Too bad it took me eight years of latin dance to realize i look AWKWARD AS ALL F**K!</p>

<p>FOUR orafices? Didn't know that was possible...</p>

<p>I was trying to figure out what hole the fourth guy was doing, I came to the conclusion that it was her belly button, I think.</p>

<p>Bluirinka, thanks, and congratulations. You are the first person to actually make me lol on the CC message boards. <em>wipes tear</em></p>

<p>LOL, "Minority Weekend" </p>

<p>Well there does seem to be some Carribean influence on break dancing if what some folks have told me is true, but I don't think I'd equate it with hip hop culture in any way shape or form.</p>

<p>But yeah, our culture is really going down the tubes. I think I've bought maybe 5 albums since the year 2000. Sean Price's album, Stillmatic, Blueprint...Little Brother...that's about it.</p>

<p>I'm all about the late 80's early 90's. Tribe Called Quest, Black Moon, Smif-N-Wessun, Wu Tang, Slick Rick, BDK...these are things I know. It's sad to see the way hip hop degenerated into little more than a black caracature. I hate the world.</p>

<p>yeah. it's just explicitly delineating sexual acts now, pretty much.</p>

<p>Did anyone go to the dance concert? How was it?</p>