Rain gear

<p>Okay, so the word is that rain boots are a must for Tech. But what kind of rain boots do the young men wear around campus? Also, what type of rain jacket? Any advice?</p>

<p>Skip the rainboots, unless your son has already expressed/demonstrated an severe aversion to getting his feet wet. I often asked my son about rain gear and how he was managing with his walks around campus in the rain and he never complained about his shoes, said wearing his lightweight running type Nikes was just fine (they dry quick). I did buy him snow boots thinking at the very least he might ‘play’ on a snowy day in them. Nope! Those came back unsued. </p>

<p>He did however, express the need for me to mail him a nice rain jacket. Nothing nerdy, just a sporty type and most important with a big hood that was meant for rain, in that it extends out and over ones head. Hoods on regular jackets are almost ornamental if you have ever tried to use one for protection (they barely cover to the middle of your head). I think I got him a nice Land’s End brand water rain jacket (also important that it’s somewhat wind resistant). It was just below waist length and had a nice full hood on it. </p>

<p>Another item he used a lot in the rain was a waterproof cover for his back pack (like a hood for the backpack). Just make sure you get the right size. He also packed a small compact umbrella in his back pack and used it.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.backcountry.com/the-north-face-pack-rain-cover”>http://www.backcountry.com/the-north-face-pack-rain-cover&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thank you! We will definitely invest in a good rain jacket but hold off on the boots.</p>

<p>I actually disagree. I never wore boots or a large rain jacket before college, but they were crucial purchases for me. It rains a good amount and the boots are way better than tennis shoes. Also, buy a North Face (whatever brand, just this style) jacket, as it gets cold in the winter.</p>

<p>@hokiefan223, are you a guy and if so, what kind of boots did you wear for the rain? </p>

<p>My boyfriend is native to the Blacksburg area, he didn’t have rainboots specifically, but he had a pair of LL Bean boots for the rain and snow. The rain is definitely not pleasant in the winter months from October-March (sometimes April) when it’s still cold and icy. Sometimes the rain is downpouring as well, so if you don’t have rainboots and a solid coat you can get soaked and stay wet for awhile (it’s happened to me).</p>

<p>Fun Fact: Blacksburg gets more rainfall per year than Seattle. Source: <a href=“http://www.bestplaces.net/compare-cities/seattle_wa/blacksburg_va/climate”>http://www.bestplaces.net/compare-cities/seattle_wa/blacksburg_va/climate&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>I second the LL Bean boots. These are the ones that are pretty popular around campus: <a href=“http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/506697?page=llbean-boots”>http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/506697?page=llbean-boots&lt;/a&gt; </p>

<p>I don’t think having rain boots is mandatory, but having a pair would be extremely useful. It would also be great to get some snow boots as well. </p>

<p>So guys wear the rubber mocs?</p>

<p>Guess it depends on the guy. My son never wore anything but Vans and Hiking boot (when it snowed). Never used an umbrella, cause the wind destroyed it. Had a “waterproof” jacket. That’s about it. Doesn’t mean it was the smartest way, just his way.</p>

<p>Ditto on rain boots. I guess it depends on the kid. Mine brought a couple pair of running shoes and that’s it. If one gets wet he has the other. He wouldn’t be caught dead with rain boots. He has an umbrella but has seen numerous ones destroyed as students cross the drill field. I don’t recall having boots at VT but now I’d be in favor of LLBeans for snow.</p>

<p>I have two kids at VT currently (a son and a daughter). They both have WATERPROOF rain jackets. I think one is a Carrhart and the other is an Eddie Bauer. They find those jackets and umbrellas absolutely necessary. They both also have WATERPROOF leather hiking/snow boots. They love their boots for rain, snow, and hiking in the nearby mountains. If you buy a quality pair of boots, they can be used in numerous settings, hold up well to the Blacksburg weather and are very comfortable for everyday wear. My son is also an engineering student and needed his boots for a lab he had to take. </p>

<p>Yeah, I was thinking of all encompassing boot for rain and snow and hiking. Thanks for the input!</p>