<p>Hey everyone!</p>
<p>Just a little backround...</p>
<p>3.95 GPA, A top trumpet player in Oakland County, MI, Varsity Cross-Country, Soccer, Track, and Football. Track Captain. Active in my church. I have about 300 hours of community service, I'm a VFW and military funeral bugler, student council rep, NHS member, interact member, optimist member, I love being involved, and I'm a real friendly guy.</p>
<p>Ultimately, I want to win a Naval ROTC scholarship and become a Nurse Anesthetist or Physician's Assistant. I want to get into one of these programs straight out of high school, it would really make things easier! However, my ACT is a little low. How can I raise it?</p>
<p>On my first practice test my composite was a 24. I got a 26 English, 18 Math, 30 Reading, and 22 Science. After taking some practice tests, I'm at about a 28 composite. 32 English, 24 math, 31 Reading, and a 24 Science. I'm really concerned about math. What did you do to raise your math?</p>
<p>**What can I do to get my score up to a 30? I feel like I can do this, I just need to review. </p>
<p>Thanks so much everyone!</p>
<p>**The schools I'm looking at are Michigan, Purdue, Penn State, Pittsburgh, Marquette, Penn, Brown, and Memphis.</p>