Rallying The Cornell Ed'ers!!!

<p>I am totally stealing this from the penn forum, but it sounds interesting. Anyway, since we are all applying to cornell ED, lets see who the other ppl are? I mean, we are taking their advice right?</p>

<p>So, I will go first, </p>

<p>My name is Veronica. I live in the suburbs of LA in a very rich preppy town lol. There are about 15 golf courses just in the town that I live in. lol, umm I am an asian female but I am proud to say I am a Banana/Twinkie. I love to swim and run. I also love to read, I am going through a Mary Higgins Clark phase right now. I also love watching Top Chef and I am in love with Sam (from the show)......
I really want to go to Cornell (obviously, Im applying ED), but I am realistic and if I dont get it, oh well, the world wont stop turning</p>

<p>right now i feel guilty bc i should be writing a term paper instead of this but I am sooo bored lol.
umm, I am also addicted to myspace and CC lol. I am controlling myself tho and I only go on myspace on the weekends so HA! I do have some sense of self control, yay me.</p>

<p>where's the self control when you're supose to write a term paper? haha, just kidding</p>

<p>wat does Banana/Twinkie mean? </p>

<p>i'll write my stuff later when i get more time and less lazy</p>

<p>yellow on the outside, white on the inside</p>

<p>This seems fun, but I don't want to reveal too much. </p>

<p>Upstate NY, Asian male, slightly banana/twinkie. Enjoys learning, hanging out with friends (swing dancing, wiffle ball, and chess are among his favorite social activities), and improv/jamming (he's on cello, his friends on piano, violin). ED to engineering.</p>

<p>haha k, why not?</p>

<p>I go to a very snobby, rich, preppy, public HS in Mississippi (boo). Asian female. I enjoy hanging out with friends, going to New Orleans to party on weekends..woo..., clubbing, internet, reading, debating etccc. I am also...slightly twinkie/banana. Actaully who am I kidding? I work as a model at Hollister..I'm very much a banana. Though I've only lived in MS for 2 years....before this, I lived in Austin, TX, before that..I lived in AUSTRALIA (BEST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD)...before that, my homeland China! =)
I'm ED to College of Arts and Sciences <em>fingers crossed</em>
I, too, am addicted to myspace, facebook, CC, and the Cornell Application Status Page ;)</p>

<p>Holla homies.</p>

<p>wow asians...its lookin tough for you considering all three of the previous repliers are asians... good luck though/it wont be easy..crossing my fingers for all of you guys</p>

<p>yes, but I'm hoping we are all applying into different colleges within Cornell..either that or my Mississippi status will offset my Asian status a bit.</p>

<p>let's hope, esp. with Princeton's problems, that there is absolutley no anti-Asian discrimination in the admissions process</p>

<p>---and best wishes to all of you--it would be great to hear reports after decisions come out</p>

<p>--and Mississippi is a major, major plus, btw--so I guess there are some kinds of discrimination--geographical being one, but racial discrimiantion has no place at Cornell or elsewhere</p>

<p>yes but with AA comes the need to deny admissions to some qualified applicants as well...thus discrimination of the most competitive/numerous apps from a certain race.</p>

<p>i live in BASKING RIDGE. holla</p>

<p>yay. I really wanna get accepted now...because we actually sound like real people with lives..and not just a bunch of nerdy kids wanting to go to an ivy. w00t. Cornell's next class is (hopefully) gonna be full of exciting people..ahem. LIKE US..or better yet. THEY ARE US! XD</p>

<p>eh, i should totally be writing uc apps but whatever:</p>

<p>cupertino, california. semi rich suburb that is MASSIVELY asian. my school is 70% asian, and you are looked down upon if your gpa isnt above 3.9...RIdiculous. true story: i got called by at least five people, whom i had never talked to before, with offers of joining their little hangout cliques just because I "broke the 2200" on my sat. ***. ironically (based on prior posts), i myself am NOT asian, but ... french! i was born in france, and french is my first language (and my worst).
my french fancy for all things culinary has pushed me into the hotel school. huzzah!</p>

<p>^ Haha, I'm guessing that you're a matador? ;)</p>

<p>good guess. you a firebird? mustang? haha</p>

<p>I'm neither. I attend a tiny school. I know quite a handful of students from your school because I'm usually in the vicinity of CPT about two to three times a week for music lessons. You got a competitive pool of peers you're dealing with this year. Good luck!</p>

<p>yay! Another person from MVHS haha I'm an alum from class of 03 and about to graduate Cornell this year.</p>

<p>lets see..Indian male from Morris Country, NJ. I live an almost entirely white town so i grew up as a very "white" Indian. My high school is the combination of two towns, and the other one is slightly more diverse but the school is still like 85-90% white. The school isnt mad preppy, or punk, or goth...its pretty mixed. The competition is pretty tough in top 25% of the class, but nothing crazy. I'm not a study freak like most indian males, I'll take the 90 if it means i dont have to study, haha, but i do reach for the 100 occasionally. I'm crzy into sports and such. Im big jets fan, and i play soccer and football basically every weekend. I'm a fantasy football god ;-). I'm good with computers, like cars, and...idk..wat else...</p>

<p>I want to become a doctor, Cornell is obviously my number one since im ED. I'm applying to the human ecology program. I prlly wont get in, but i dont really mind. I want to go to college for the social and academic experience, and tht is y im applying to cornell. it seemed to be the only ivy where everyone wasnt afraid to have fun or unable to. hahaha i want to put done the books and party ONCE AND AWHILE.</p>

<p>wow guess i rambled..o well..peace</p>

<p>Why is it that most of the people on this thread are either coming from some rich neighborhood schools or from prep-schools? Is it realy true that most of Cornell applicants are dandies, or am I getting the wrong image?</p>

<p>haha..i come from a rich as county..but i can promise you, i and most ppl in my town are down to earth..our school parking lot isnt filled with beemers, lexus', and benz's. most of us work for our money...pay for our own gas, clothes, etc. i guess we are lucky enough to live in larger houses and maybe not have to take out large loans for college, but i am down to earth non-spoiled child.</p>

<p>This sounds fun.. here I go
I'm an Asian from VA. Although I'm an international student I live in the U.S. and go to a U.S. high school. umm currently I'm doing my calc hw and listening to my ipod. my neighborhood is ... rich. second richiest county or w/e... kids are too good with rare (illegal stuff) problems. People are too nice to be true. The population is extremely diverse with booming Asian population. For fun, I like to watch Grey's Anatomy (surgeeeoonnnnsss~ yeaa~), CSI, and Battlestar Galactica. School's from 7 AM to 2 PM and almost everyone plays sports at my school. The school's pretty in a panic state thanks to decisions being posted and mailed (other in state colleges). Teachers are overwhelmed with recommendation forms piling on their desks and student govt officers are swamped with christmas festivities. I'm in various select choirs and I LOVE to sing. </p>


<p>My heart is set on Cornell. I've applied to Arts and Science as Undecided. intended concentration is international relations. My dream is to become a surgeon and all the while pursue other interests. </p>

<p>I'm really nervous about the decisions... I really don't like to check something as important as college decisions online because one's future and all that changes in an instant. However, I can't wait until December 15th (mid-december right? or am I wrong?). </p>

<p>I only wish I could hibernate until that time.</p>