Random Questions

I have heard that allowing chicken to become steamed will result in a rubbery consistency. Covering when pan frying would be one example. If you have not changed the way you are grilling the chicken, but have different results, it leads you to believe that it has something to do with the chicken itself.

ETA: My D recently mentioned that the chicken prepared on her George Foreman grill is rubbery. It’s possible that steam is created when using GF grill because of the somewhat enclosed design.

I don’t have trouble with boneless on the GF gizmo.

But I do need to talk pet insurance…anyone have it? Accident & illness only or the wellness rider?

^^No, it looks like it’d be more expensive than it’s worth for us, based on what illnesses our dogs and cats have and haven’t survived. I’m not willing to pay to do chemo and radiation on a dog based on the research I’ve done. We had a poodle with stage 4 skin cancer live for two years after the surgery to remove the cancer, even though she wasn’t sure she got clean borders. The surgery cost $500, they wanted thousands for chemo and radiation, I said no. I don’t think she would have lived that much longer with the chemo and radiation, and her quality of life would have suffered (she was happy and enjoying life right up until 3 weeks before we had to euthanize her).

It’s hard enough to deal with people health insurance, I just can’t deal with having to juggle that for the pets, too.

Having lived with a diabetic cat for 10 years (RIP Maisie) and paid oodles for insulin and syringes, I plan to look seriously at insurance when we get new kittens. I agree with @MotherOfDragons about chemo and such. We had a charming little cat (yes, I’m talking about you, Annabel Lee) who developed an uncontrollable bleeding condition that our vet could not figure out, and I was not willing to send her to UC Davis for $1000s of tests. Accident & illness would not get me to sign up. It’s the chronic care/medicine that would do it, which I assume is what you mean by the “wellness rider.” I could not believe how much the price of insulin shot up in Maisie’s last years, until I did some research and saw that generics would soon be able to come on the market, so the patent holder was obviously extracting the maximum money while it could. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Can anyone recommend good comfy cotton sheets for the summer that don’t cost an arm and a leg?

I usually go with Ross because they have good prices. You do have to hunt around for sheets that are 100% cotton, but I have gotten some very nice and inexpensive ones there. Sometimes Macy’s has good clearance sales. Costco has OK prices but don’t have my full/double size, so I don’t buy from them.

I’ve had terrible luck with finding Ross sheets in cotton unless looking for a twin or full.
I just bought my D a set of King cotton sheets at Costco for under $40. She is very happy with them.
We don’t have pet insurance for our dogs but we do for a horse.

For me, comfy sheets = higher thread count. @onward, I’ve had good luck with Ralph Lauren brand bought discounted either at their outlet stores or at Home Goods.

We love percale, which is the weave, whether or not it’s all cotton.

About pet insurance. The wellness is ordinary visits, vaccinations, blood tests, etc. I’m not leaning toward that. Our last dog, at 13, racked up 3k+ before it turned out to be a difficult cancer. My concern isn’t about paying for excessive treatment, but for something reasonable, but expensive. Using the last pup as an example, we could have paid more than $3500 over the years in premiums, paid the vet 3k, then after deductible, gotten reimbursed 2400.

If anyone has perspective on this, I’d appreciate it. It’s a small mix rescue dog, seems to be healthy. But beyond current check up, no one really knows. Thx.

I think someone asked a while ago where the oldest Obama daughter will be going to college. I believe she was close to choosing Barnard. Not sure if she’s made her final choice yet.


I had seen their user ratings and reviews. Looking at the dog version of that chart you linked. Thx. Based on our area, dog age, etc, I’d pay about 30/mo.

Thanks, @dmd77 . Does it need to be Dawn detergent specifically to soak the pan?

Re sheets: Has anyone tried Boll and Branch? They advertise on a bunch of podcasts I listen to. They have a good sales pitch and the website looks nice but I’m hesitant to try them without a recommendation.

@JustaMom5465 , had that same problem yesterday with the chicken… thinly sliced boneless skinless chicken on the grill. Some pieces were fine, some were an eraser-like consistency. You could feel a difference when you put a fork in it. The fact that some were fine and some weren’t lead me to believe it was the chicken, since it was all marinated and grilled the same way. It was store brand, and usually I buy a national name brand chicken.

Well @JAM113 I’m glad it’s not just me…my brother (a HS science teacher) tried to tell me yesterday that he thought it could be something to do with the way they cut the chicken…something about cell structure, yada yada yada.

Today I bought boneless thighs instead…yum…

Lol. Classic case of Occam’s Razor. It was just an old hen!

@JustaMom5465 I was going to suggest chicken thighs previously because I think they are tastier but decided not to because many do not like dark meat poultry. Glad you like it, too!

Love them…and…in my Instant pot…ohhh are they good.

Another dark meat eater here!!