Random Questions

I’ll take your salted chocolate. :smile:

Just a tad of salt - coarse sea salt. It does bring out the flavor to me.


It’s why Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups are so good – sweet and salty together!


My Christmas tree quit drinking water 3 days ago. Do we try to slice off another inch of the trunk or should I just get a new tree? We’ve had it for 10 days. Thanks.

That happens to our trees all the time and all I said was “yay, I don’t have to water as much!”

We haven’t had the tree dry out any faster. I just assumed it had soaked up enough to keep on keeping on. :smile:


I’ve decided to take it back to Costco. They take back everything back, right? We’ll have to vacuum the car again afterwards. That should have been our first clue that this tree was dry after we brought it home. The car was a mess. We’ll have to visit a tree farm this weekend and have one cut down, to insure freshness.

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Growing up, my father would always tell us that no fresh cut tree lasts more than a week or two (we typically had balsams). We would put them up a day or so before Christmas, and remove them by Jan 6. Now, we always want to put them up about a week after Thanksgiving, so that might be an issue?

As long as it will hold most of it’s needles for another 3-4 weeks, why bother switching it out? Doesn’t seem worth the hassle to me to avoid sweeping up a few needles.

No cut tree will hold it’s needles forever. Even if it’s bone dry it will still hold most of its needles.

@toledo we likely got our tree at the same store. To me it seems I water it daily the first 2-3 days but then it always seems to slow down.

My neighbor just posted that they got their tree from a lot and had to already take it down - she didn’t elaborate. I wondered if it had bugs or something - that has happened before.

Did Costco take the tree back? Last week they were getting rid of the rest of their trees for $20! I was a little ticked!

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I paid $50, which is still reasonable for a Fraser Fir. Yes, they took it back. I didn’t want to take a chance on it not losing a lot of needles by Christmas.

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Here’s a picture of the “tree” my friend had to get rid of - all these needles down!!!

Oh my gosh!

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We have to have fake because of allergies but my question is do you mist/spray the cut trees while you have them up?

I’ve never heard of misting or spraying trees, only making a fresh cut before putting it in the stand. I’m on tree #2, which we had cut on Saturday. I’m curious to see how long this one will last.

I’ve never heard of misting or spraying a tree once up - the ornaments would get wet!

We cut down a tree every year, usually the weekend after Thanksgiving. We leave it up until somewhere between January 2nd and January 7th. Early on it needs lots of water every day, but after a couple weeks it doesn’t need much. We haven’t had any problems over the years (and I’ve been doing this for 25+ years).

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Does any other oldtimers still go through the old cc app to access the site?

Yes, but doesn’t always work, depends on the device and seems random.

I’m probably in a minority of old timers, but I like the new site better than the old. For me it’s easier to find more things, not harder. I wish it were better for those of you on tablets and phones.


Okay I give up! Twice I’ve squeezed fresh orange juice into a plastic container (once, the plastic base of a juicer, once into a plastic measuring cup), and the juice has left this awful residue (or something) on the plastic. Is this a “thing”? Tips on how to get it off?

That probably explains what happened to some of my plastic Oxo measuring cups, except I squeezed lemon juice. It looks like the cups are dirty but no amount of washing gets it off. I’ll be watching to see if anyone knows how to remove.