Random Questions


I have dry eyes so humidifying the air during the winter is critical for my comfort. I learned a long time ago that ultrasonic humidifiers, which do a fabulous job, are horrible for my dogs – apparently they can hear the ultrasonic noise! So instead I have to use what they call evaporative humidifiers.

The problem is, they don’t humidify very well! I keep one running at full speed 24/7 in the room we use as an office, but – according to my temp/humidity gauge – it only gets above 35% humidity if it also happens to be raining. Ideally it should be at least 40% but I can never get there with the humidifier. Does anyone have any tips?? Should I get another humidifier and run both of them??

House plants can really help with the humidity levels in a room: Humidifying Plants: 12 Houseplants for Dry Indoor Air


Well we live in a high desert climate. In the winter when the heat is on I have an evaporative humidifier I set at 50% humidity and it really never turns off unless it is raining. This is for the whole house humidifier usually October to March. Kenmore quiet comfort 12 for our 2700 sq ft home. I refill it daily.

At night we also run a Vicks sweet dreams cool mist humidifier one gallon capacity at 1/2 speed and it runs for two nights before I refill from the sink. I believe it is the ultrasonic type. Never used Vicks or anything else with it. I use it to keep my sinuses from getting way too dry. Our dog sleeps next to it on the couch in the bedroom.

I have no idea what the humidity is in the house or our bedroom, but it seems to work for us.

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Have any of you ever had Omaha steaks? Are they truly that special?

I wasn’t impressed. It was years ago, though, so maybe they’ve improved. They weren’t any better than what I get at the supermarket.


Ridiculously expensive. I can’t figure out how they stay in business!


We have a family member that sends them to us every year. They are fine but frankly the steaks from our local Whole Foods are better.


We were very underwhelmed with Omaha Steaks. One and done for us.

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Snake River Farms

Crazy Day. Why would a Ginger Beer/Vodka take my day long headache away?

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Ginger is good for migraines.

My random question is about contributing to college funds for step-grands. My son and daughter each have a child, and I’m planning to make contributions to their 529’s or whatever parents prefer. Daughter also has two step-kids, who they share custody with with their mom. The kids are very much a part of their household, but they are also very much a part of their mom’s (who is remarried) household. All grandparents on all sides are very much in the picture. Do I make equal contributions for all 4 kids? Half as much for the steps? I don’t want to slight the steps, but I also don’t want to look like I’m overstepping or showing off. Any opinions?

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If it was me, I’d gift them all equally.


I’d talk with my daughter and son to get their ideas.


I was finally catching up on this thread. Gouf, I just ordered those bees wax bags for the kids, in the ocean design. Thanks

I would check with your child in the situation, and see what they think. If the “other” set of relatives is doing something similar, then you may want to do contribute half as much or some other amount. If the other set of relatives doesn’t have the funds, then I think doing it for all of the kids is a great gift.


I didn’t know where to put this but thought many of you might enjoy it like I did. If you have kids, if you know, you know!

Where do all those forks, chargers, hoodies and water bottles go??
I lol’d quite a bit - so, so how we imagine it as parents!!!


So funny! Yea, we had some forks never found… eventually bought some replacements. My record haul at the school lost and found table was THREE jackets, and I only have two kids. ( Often it warms up a lot during the day in CO - my theory is they came off at recess and were never missed. We had a lot of hand-me-down jackets from the cousins, so plenty back at home)

Or kids come home with someone else’s jacket.

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My D was annoyed in K when pretty much all the items in Lost & Found were her jackets (yes, with 3 older female cousins she had lots of them).

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