Random Questions

What is the material in the middle of the circle on the pieces that have the antenna? Is it mesh? It is glass? Plastic? Is the bottom circle like a stand - or do the top and bottom piece close together somehow?

(I feel like this is 20 questions to solve the answer…!)

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Per brother’s post, “Pasted to the vertical loop is a clear, fairly stiff circle of some sort of plastic or other glossy material.“

The bar behind that seems to preclude any kind of lens usage. He has not answered my question about if they close, but presumably he would have said so in posted description.

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One of my favorite Reddit sections (subreddit, whatever you call it) is r/whatisthisthing … This would be a perfect thing to post there!


Maybe they are one of those brooch things that you loop a scarf through?

Could they possibly be some kind of barrette?

Happen to be on reddit? There is a subreddit called “whatisthisthing”. This fits in perfectly!

Can you show the back side? What is the film? Plastic? A filter? does it fold? Is the metal cut at the top (appears to be).

Final suggestion: Chuck it the bin. Wait two days until garbage is collected. Then you’ll magically find whatever it is that this went to!


Now we all wanna know what it is!


Well. Apparently brother does not want my help. In response to my last post, he said: "Give it up. Go plant a bush or read a book or something. I promise you that with my final dying breath, I will not be ruing that I never learnt what these are. " This after initially posting: “Any thoughts, wild speculations, or made-up, entertaining, mind-bending invention ideas are invited and welcome.”

Where’s that dysfunctional family thread…

Anyone who is still interested (even though HE DOESN’T WANT MY HELP):

No, they do not fold or bend or have any joints… They are definitely not woodwind keys. The shape and workmanship is all wrong; and glossy material is see through and very thin.

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This popped up on the “uncommon goods” website and I immediately thought of your photo!! Apparently it can be made into jewelry, LOL!

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I got a knit shirt from Costco. I pulled the long sticky strip that had the size on it off, and washed it, but the residue from the sticky stuff is still very obvious.
Right now I’m soaking it in all powerful Dawn/warm water.
If that doesn’t work, any other suggestions.


try gently rubbing with nail polish remover on a cotton swab, or a hair dryer to heat and then rub off the sticky stuff, or rubbing alcohol.

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We use Goo Gone for such situations; available all over. It’s also good for kitchenware etc.


Exact reason I now pull off the long sticker before purchasing.

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Looks like Dawn in warm water did the trick. Thanks for the suggestions.


Return it - Costco is very good about accepting returns.

11th Hour SOS question: DH is travelling to Spain with our nephew to walk the El Camino de Santiago. They would like to spread some of DH’s brother’s ashes along the way, and we need to find a “siftproof” container that will comply with TSA and the airline’s rules. It must be able to go through x-ray machine and be further contained in plastic wrap/container.

The ashes are currently stored in a plastic bag inside a metal box, so no go. Where in the heck would one go to purchase such a container??? I’ve googled, but so far to no avail. The CC community almost always comes to the rescue on any number of bizarre questions, so I thought it worth a try.

Any ideas? The place where BIL was cremated has gone out of business.


Have you tried contacting another crematorium?

DH passed by one a few minutes ago, and is going inside to check. I found a couple on Amazon, but they look really big. Will keep trying. Thanks!

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Below are a couple of options on Amazon. Also based on my brief research, your husband should bring the death certificate at a minimum and it wouldn’t hurt if he has paperwork from the original crematorium.




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