Random Questions

What’s that come with? It’s on Amazon for 390.

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The $390 one is NOT the Animal version; the Animal V10 comes up at $448 on Amazon.

There is also a “renewed” one… $329’I think with 90 day Amazon warranty. Meh… I don’t want a refurbished Dyson that is not plug in.


Thanks mom60! :blush:

So…Bunsen - this seems good to you?
Ha, I am clearly reliant on others’ recs!!! :laughing::laughing::laughing:

Looks good to me!

My question today is do others take probiotics for “gut” health? If so what brands do you like? I have been taking Pro 45 (order from Amazon) and I like it, but it has gotten expensive so I thought I’d ask this group to see if there are others that you like.

I do not.

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We take a range of different ones from Costco. They have chewable gummies and other capsules. Don’t recall the particular brands off hand. Normally we take them MWF.

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I have but I’m not consistent. I can’t recall what brand but I buy it at Whole Foods or Sprouts.

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Culturelle Digestive Daily Probiotics

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I’ve been really working to improve my gut health the last couple of years. I’ve tried a number of products including capsules, gummies and a prebiotic powder in my coffee. I wasn’t seeing any discernible change until I switched to Seed Synbiotics. It’s only available online and is one of those monthly or quarterly auto-ship programs, but can cancel at any time. Their product is both a prebiotic and a probiotic in a nested capsule. This one has made a difference for me so I’m going to stick with it even though it’s kind of expensive.

My husband is on a daily chemotherapy which unfortunately tears up his belly very badly. He tried Seed for a couple weeks and didn’t see a difference so dropped it. There may not be anything out there that will help him and a couple weeks was probably not enough time to evaluate. Even though he didn’t stick with it, I can vouch for their 30 day guarantee and customer service. I cancelled his account and the full cost was refunded with no questions asked.

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I did while I had the Mirena IUD. I went from super regular to not at all. After 6 months of struggling, I tried them. I think they might have helped some, though I can’t remember what kind I took. But my problems were solved once I was done with the Mirena, So I quit taking them

Can someone please explain what these “consulting” jobs are all about? What kind of expertise can these wet behind ears, fresh out of undergrad youngsters bring? Every consultant we’ve ever worked with was a distinguished expert in their field with years of experience… a professor or another KOL.


Not sure. But twice recently I’ve heard about people doing work as “independent contractor”… which really ended up meaning they paid both parts of the SS.

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They are the analysts, the quants. They don’t know how to advise – they don’t have any experience-- but they’re really good with the numbers and/or excel spreadsheets. They do what the Real Consultants tell them to do so the Real Consultants don’t have to spend their time on the boring stuff.


My H was hired for a consulting position out of school and answered very similarly to VeryHappy. The new grads aren’t coming up with solutions, they are compiling and analyzing the data necessary for the “experts” to make their recommendations. He said for lack of a better word, the “grunt work”.


I laughed at your question because I have 2 kids in consulting. When they graduated from college at 22, I was happy but admittedly baffled that they were “consultants”. However in hindsight I see that the consulting firms are hiring intelligent individuals with certain skill sets for their future potential contributions to the firm. The firms I’m familiar with invest in their people. I also find the competition between the Big 3 very interesting.


Younger son was also hired as a Chem E consultant right out of college, to address air quality issues/federal regulation compliance.


@88jm19 , what are “the Big 3”?


I don’t take probiotics, but religiously eat steel cut oats cooked in water with no fruit or sweeteners for breakfast. A powerful pre-biotic. When traveling, my diet can get out of whack, and the oats do wonders for my gut health after coming home.

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