Random Questions

Please, please, please do not use those traps! They were not designed for actual elimination of beetles; they have been designed to survey for beetles. About a third of beetles these traps attract do not end up in the traps but feed around and attract more beetles!

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I bought a brand new can of Sevin and sprayed all my plants again this morning. Keeping fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:

And now there’s a huge thunderstorm that’s washing it all away :exploding_head:

I thought 10% chance of rain was a chance worth taking :unamused:

Oh, okay, I did not know. I don’t have them, just am used to hearing of them. I have a black thumb and have nearly zero flowers.

Milky spore is the most effective Japanese Beetle pesticide. You spread it on the ground and it targets the Japanese Beetle grubs only and doesn’t harm other pollinators like Sevin and other insecticides will. If you want to deal with your current crop of adult beetles going out in the morning with a jar of soapy water and picking them off and drowning them is very effective. They can’t fly well in the morning.


Thank you! I’m going to try picking them off.
They are really terrible pests. Have wrecked our rose bushes :angry:

If you know someone with chickens, Japanese beetles are a treat. I collected many from a certain garden plant a few years back and felt I was giving M&Ms to the chickens next door. The trick is to keep them in one place long enough to be eaten.

Yes I have heard that. If you do this just put them in a jar of water without soap. Not as effective at killing them, but better for the chickens.

How do you look up the highest temperature ever recorded for a certain city?
I tried all kind of ways but could not find the answer.

If you feel comfortable saying the city I’ll use my Google-fu and look it up for you. I can usually find it.

I searched on “Record high temperature for New York City” (without the quotes) and got these results:


This is by state: State Climate Extremes Committee (SCEC) | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)

I just realized the city doesn’t have a record. It is a nearby city that has a tiny airport that is their records. So I think I just got it. Thanks.

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I have the aftershockz in front of ear speakers and think they are great. I use them both in and out of the water -head above water. The music sound is great and I like I still can hear someone talk to me whenever I wear them and hear a vehicle and/or birds along with the music when I walk.

Is it bad that I’m excited finding out today that I can make boxed Mac n cheese in the Insta Pot?


Since this is a question thread, to answer your question….
No. Whatever gives you joy! :cheese:


I just made it and it was delicious. No boiling water and checking to see when the macaroni noodles are al dente. These days it’s the simple things in life that do it for me. :relieved:


I have a box in the cupboard- tell us how to do it!


I need this kind of information in my life.


If any of you subscribe to print magazines, where do you order them? I used to buy through Amazon, but they’ve discontinued that service. I looked at Barnes & Noble, but the prices are easily 2X+ what I paid previously. Before we moved I cancelled all of my magazine subscriptions so I wouldn’t have any hassle with mail forwarding or change of address failures, so I’m not getting offers in the mail. Is magazine - dot - com legit? Is there another subscription service you recommend? Or should I just look up each magazine’s website and order directly? I haven’t done the latter yet because of the price vs Amazon’s old prices.


I order fewer mags these days, but usually it is though mailed offer (or renewal). You could try buying a magazine from a store, if it comes with a postcard “deal” promotion in it.