Random Questions

You all see the pix of flooding in Paris? http://www.thelocal.fr/20160603/before-and-after-stunning-images-from-the-paris-flood

@lookingforward thank you for that link. H and I returned from France a few weeks ago and visited many of those spots.
Random laundry question-
I just bought a white gauze fabric blouse. It has navy and bright red embroidery and bright red tassels. How to I avoid the red from bleeding onto the white?

Color catchers have worked well for us to prevent bleeding colors from migrating, in laundry section. Also, wash in cold water, of course. It can also be purchased online.


@mom60 wrote

I’d just send it to the dry cleaners. There’s no way to tell if that embroidery is color fast.

Yes, dry cleaning is safest.

@HImom - thank you. I’ve never heard of those color catchers. They sound like a good edition to my laundry room.
@MotherOfDragons - dry cleaning in my town is super expensive. I’m not sure I love the top enough to dry clean it.

I learned about color catchers here on CC!

Any washing instructions tag? You can also try Woolite. But if this is a Nordstrom blouse, you’re covered if it does run. And I’d expect they used colorfast threads.

On the website, it says to wash in cold water and dry flat.

I’m thinking the cold water (and hand wash) is as much about the gauzy fabric, not whirling it around in a machine, not stressing seams or the light threads in the fabric.

We all used to have plenty of things that needed a hand wash. I couldn’t even sell my D on the Woolite concept.

I’m allergic to woolite–it gives me hives!

How does one keep coir doormats relatively clean and presentable? Like these: http://smile.amazon.com/Kempf-Natural-Coco-Doormat-1-Inch/dp/B004EBHSI8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1465232789&sr=8-3&keywords=coir+doormat

After just one week in front of my door, they’re covered in dog fur, dirt and twigs and leaves. Better there than in my house, I know, but they look terrible.

The directions say to machine wash in cold water. If the color bleeds take it back to Nordstroms.

this is changing directions, but would like to ask a question on what your thoughts are on a situation.

My kid is in a fraternity at state flagship, in another town. They are getting ready to give a bid to a kid. My son recognizes this name from our town from a long time ago; he was a sex-offender at age 12. It’s all pretty hidden online as names were all protected, but he is sure its the same kid.

The kid seems to be well liked, athletic, personable and wanted by this fraternity. My kid does not know if he should say something or not to rush chair.

what would you advise your kid?

Does your son want him for his brother? That is what I’d ask my kid. There are lots of reasons people don’t get fraternity or sorority bids.

In my sorority, if an alum wrote “character is an issue” in a rec, that was the end of discussion. No discussion of what it was about, at least in my hearing. It just wasn’t discussed at all any further.

I would advise my kid to say something to the rush chair and let them decide. They would want the info.

@mom60 what does the tag say?

@bgbg4us I may be super naive here but how can a kid be a sex offender at age 12? Like criminally prosecuted or busted for playing spin the bottle with a ten year old? I’d be really, really careful there.

Sexual aggression? Could be one incident, could be something misinterpreted. I think I’d want to know more, but be certain it’s the same kid, not just the name. It’s tricky. I might tell my kid to have the talk, if we were 110% sure. But I’d leave the final decision to her. Dunno.

@MotherOfDragons : Unfortunately, youthful sex offenders are a real thing. In California, the presumption is that a child under 14 is incapable of committing a crime, but that is a rebuttable presumption, and I have worked with enough cases of tween rape to last me a lifetime. 12 maybe going on 13? Not a stretch at all.

Now, I think bgbg4us’s kid needs to be very, very careful. What exactly do you mean by “he was a sex offender at age 12”? How do you know? Juvenile proceedings and the names of offenders are generally not public knowledge. Depending on the laws of your state, records may be sealed and the adjudication (generally not the equivalent of an adult conviction) may be deemed not to have happened as a legal proposition. I think the most I might do is to suggest to the rush chair that he might want to ask the rushee if there is anything in his background that the fraternity should know about. I realize that’s pretty vague and even namby-pamby, but you do not throw around accusations like this carelessly.