Random Questions

Ya, without real evidence, I’d keep quiet. If brave, I may talk to the pledge in private, before I shared anything with my frat. Sharing wrong info could hurt this young man, if he doesn’t deserve it.

Children younger than 12 have been named to the sex-offender registry - perhaps that’s how? This is a thought-provoking, disturbing article from the New Yorker earlier this year: http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2016/03/14/when-kids-are-accused-of-sex-crimes

Does anyone else get a lot of magazines in the mail they never subscribed to? I figure its a way for publishers to try to drum up subscriptions in a declining industry, hoping that people will decide to subscribe.

I remember when I was a SAHM with young children and we kept getting copies of Working Mother in my H’s name! Pretty funny.

Now, if I foolishly subscribe to something for a year to help a kid out with a fundraiser or something, I feel like I will be followed around by that subscription forever. It’s like the mummy that wouldn’t die!

I just bought some things from a website called www.dermstore.com. (A friend’s daughter is doing a dermatology residency and had some great suggestions for products.) With my order comes three magazines. They swear that after the free subscription ends, they will stop the magazines and not charge my credit card. We’ll see.

We have been getting free magazines for our waiting room for years and years. They send whatever is extra, so we never know, but it’s been decades and we never pay a cent.

We’ve been getting free mags lately too, I’ve been scouring bills to make sure it’s not hidden in some random one.

H is enjoying his monthly copy of Glamour Magazine, though…lol

I’ve wondered who used airline points to send me Good Housekeeping and if it is a sly comment on my domestic skills.

@Madison85 - lol, I’ve been receiving Good Housekeeping as well but I just chalked it up to someone being nice, it didn’t occur to me there might be a message in that “gift”. Now you’ve got me wondering…

It’s going to take more than a free magazine subscription to get me to bump up my houskeeping game. :wink:

I had the random subscription thing a few years ago. I called and ranted - turned out that the small print on Flowers.com said " includes free one year subscription to XYZ magazine". When the year ended I ignored the “your subscription is due” emails.

What a yucky way to snag people, especially elders.

Have you seen this video yet? A hysterical graduation speech by the 8th grade president of a middle school near Chicago. He does his speech with impersonations of the different presidential candidates. His Trump and Bernie are particularly funny. Happy Friday!

That kid is hilarious!

Absolutely brilliant!

I watched the video yesterday and loved it. What I find amazing is that a kid in the middle of The Awkward Years could do those imitations in front of a gazillion people with no self-consciousness. I don’t think at that age I could have mumbled “Hello” to my principal.

Very entertaining!

It’s not surprising he was elected as president of his middle school. Maybe we should remember his name. I wouldn’t be surprised if we hear it again in the future.

flowers.com does give out a free subscription but if you read the small print when you are buying the flowers you can “op-out” you have to send in a form and you end up getting a check for $10 or so… I have done that before so in reality the subscription really isn’t free.

I just discovered green tea and love it. I find myself feeling so relaxed and it helps me get through hectic mornings. My random? Is everyone walking with plugs in their ears these days?

I recently got a copy of my homeowners insurance since it is up for renewal in July. All I can ask is WHY?

WHY is damage to my house caused by mollusks not covered?

WHY will they only pay $1000 per tree for tree removal if they fall in a storm?

WHY will they pay up to $100,000 per incident for kidnapping? Including the price of a professional negotiator? Who thinks these thing up?

I’m impressed you are reading all the fine print, @greenwitch. :slight_smile: