Random Questions

Anyone have an iPhone that has a screen that is pulling away from the rest of the phone? I have an iphone5 that I got 12/2012 and have noticed light “leaking” between the screen and bevel of the phone. Any suggestions on what to do? It still works but is odd and something I’ve just noticed. Did get a S+ which is my primary phone and this is just like an iTouch.

Oh, found my answer, this is a known issue–bulging lithium ion battery. Will see if genius at Apple Store will help at all or not. Some folks have been given FREE replacement new iPhone 5, even tho way past 1 year warranty.

Doschicos, I agree with you completely. At first I saw the Caucus Cam, thought it was in a polling place and thought - why do they have signs for the candidates, shouldn’t they remove political signs from an actual polling site. And then we realized - people were going and standing by the signs to show who they supported, and then they counted them. It was insane! What happened to privacy? In this day and age, it’s not private and computerized somehow? And then the undecideds decide in the moment based on which crowd they see as bigger or where their buddies go? Someone needs to figure out a better system.

@Pizzagirl The whole caucus structure is weird/ineffective IMO (from a person who doesn’t live in a caucus state), but I find the media intrusion and documenting of it appalling. I sure as heck don’t want someone filming me in the voting booth.

My iphone 6 developed a problem that I thought was me going deaf and Siri being an idiot (wellshe is) when it turned out it was a speaker going bad. Unfortunately I finally took it to the Apple store when it was 1 mo out of warranty. Cost me $110 or so to get a “new” phone (some euphemism for a phone that comes from the same assembly line but may be cobble together with the case from one and the innerds from another) and then this “new” one only has a 3 mo warranty. zso back I went with a new sound issue problem last week. Fortunately the “new” phone was still in warranty by, count em, 3 days, so I got another “new” (they refuse to use the word refurb) phone and now have another 3 mo warranty on it. Stay tuned… (no pun intended).

I got my phone in 12/2012 and you have to know that’s forever old, memory gets clogged, each new update (to the internal sw) poses risks, etc. Now you have a battery issue that would concern me.

So why haven’t I replaced mine? Can’t decide between an I-Phone and a Galaxy.

S got me a 6+, but I like having this spare device for playing games and contacts, but not if the battery may leak–eew!

Got a new iPhone 5 for $79 + tax. She would only give me a phone for same plan as before, Sprint, tho we’ve moved on to T-Mobile. It has 90 day warranty and is brand new.

^^Wow. I want that. I desperately need a new phone.

Sadly they would only give me a Sprint phone because that’s what my old phone was. We are now on T-Mobile.

Here’s another random question since I’m watching Titanic this afternoon… Why are they only in dangerously cold water AFTER the ship sinks and they are in the ocean? Why doesn’t hypothermia set in while they are running around the ship? Isn’t it still the same water?

Are you referring to the scenes where they were they are submerged in the rising waters? I agree with you. And the air would be cold too, thought maybe, maybe its not as cold inside the decks as outside in exposed air and wind. Hmmm… food for thought.

Yes! They are running around in waist to neck deep water inside the ship for an hour! You’d think they’d be just as cold as after the ship sinks…

If I accidentally left a meat casserole out overnight, in a kitchen that was not warmer than 65 degrees, is it safe to eat?

Heat it again. It probably wont kill you.

it probably won’t kill you but is the risk of eating it worth the price you might pay vs. the cost of just tossing it?

My DH would eat it in a heartbeat. But he seems to have a cast iron stomach.

My husband said he would eat it, because he likes it, but he’s had an upset stomach recently and I’m just going to toss the casserole. Or feed it to the neighbor’s dog.

It hadn’t even occurred to me it could kill us. :frowning:

Do you like or dislike the neighbors dog?? :wink:

@alh It probably wouldn’t kill you but it could make you take refuge in the bathroom for the next 48 hours wishing you were dead.