Random Questions

This is similar to stubbing your toe:



Elbow, yes, Onward. It was my “crazy bone” and I swear it reverberated throughout my body and I passed out.

Please don’t be offended, but I can’t stop laughing now. :open_mouth:

Maybe because I’ve always called it the “funny bone”, not the “crazy bone”.

Wow, our nervous system is all connected!

Anyone watching Law & Order SVU?

It’s about moms who sleep with an (unbeknownst to them - fake) admissions officer to increase their child’s chances at getting admitted to an elite private college.

So am I the only one who still has to get eyebrows waxed because they are SO thick? Can’t imagine trying to encourage mine to grow! (though I am reading with interest the suggestions on what to do with the white hairs.)

Anyone buying tickets for Harry Potter at IMAX for next week? Our location does not seem to be selling the packages so we have to purchase the tickets for each show separately.

Random question: There is a commercial with the Cat Stevens song “if you want to sing out, Sing out”. Is that Cat Stevens singing it or someone else? IT takes me back to college days.

^^ Me, too, jym! I’m sure that’s Cat Stevens singing it.

Yes, it is.

Thanks @patsmom ! I was pretty sure it was Cat Stevens, but I pulled up an old version (from decades ago when the sound quality was nowhere near as good) and wasn’t 100% sure…

He now is Yusuf Islam. Became a Muslim in the late 70s.

I this “early voting” thing new? My state allows absentee ballots with valid reasons but not early voting.

Not for us, Georgia has been early voting for years. Not as effective as Chicago’s letting dead people vote (I kid!) but very handy nonetheless.

Like we used to say in Chicago - vote early, vote often.

In California, we’ve had voting by mail for years. Anyone who wants to vote by mail may do so; you don’t need an excuse. To my surprise, we also have in-person early voting, but I just recently found out about that. I’m not sure how long that has been going on. Voting has already started here.

We have early voting, at the 2 libraries in town, e and W. I go awit my special friend, and it’s fun.

Interesting about the various voting laws in different states. I’m not qualified to vote absentee, but anyone can vote early in my state, and there are many polling places in my county. I think I may vote early this year.

Who can vote by mail (aka “absentee voting”) in Texas:


Also, in California, we can sign up to be permanent voters-by-mail; they just send the ballot every election without the voter having to request one. It is very convenient.

Ditto WA - we can permanently vote by mail, which we do all the time. Got my pamphlet in the mail today, the ballots must be coming next week.

I’d do it but would forget to mail it. Need the hubbub of election day. And my polling place is efficient.