Random Questions

Another early voter here. Hope the lines wont be too long.

I want to do early voting this year but it hasn’t started in my state yet. Then, I can pretend the whole mess is over!

I love going to the polls on election day. When my S was little, he would hide behind the curtains in the living room and say he was “voting.” :slight_smile:

I kinda like the hubbub on election day. I like the bake sale the school I vote in always has, and I like the sticker that says “I voted!”

I also like the civic feel of standing in line with my neighbors at the local school to vote. DH is going to be overseas, so is voting absentee; S2 is in an election-related position and needs to be available for last minute placements. He is going absentee as well.

In our state there is no longer voting in schools.

I always vote early. On Election Day, I volunteer at local HS. We make calls to encourage voters to come to polls (“Just letting you know the line is minimal right now”). Our table is stocked with water and cookies.

Random question of the day:

What would be the appropriate word or words to describe someone who uses uncommon words (often incorrectly) in order to sound more intelligent or educated?

Pretentious + erroneous = Pretoneous?

I thought of pretentious, bombastic, and grandiloquent, but none of them quite reflect the fact that the speech is often incorrect.

a phony? :slight_smile:

can you make malapropism into a noun? malapropist?

“Acyrologia” would be the word, but if one uses it in a sentence, one will probably not be perceived any better than the offender. :slight_smile:

Personally, “pompous,” while not exactly correct, covers the bases in this case.

I’d use blowhard

Norm Crosby :slight_smile:

Is it my 20 year old washing machine or are clothes just not lasting as long due to poor quality fabric? I went to pack for a short trip out of town. I was looking for casual tops to wear with jeans. I was striving for the look of skinny jeans, booties, white T with a stylish jacket on top. T shirt after shirt just looked tired. Other tops I pulled out also looked tired or had small holes. Most of the shirts are 1-3 years old. My preference is shirts of 100% cotton.

@mom60 It’s not your washer.

In CA you can turn in your ballot at the polls (or have someone else do it) if you forget to mail it.

As for voting, DH and I are in the significant minority in our area, Hanging out with neighbors in the voting line does not sound desirable. At.All.

And that’s one very important reason DH and I never moved to your area, @jym626.

Ca resident- I recently heard on the news that you can vote early at the county clerk office. My H is signed up for permanent vote by mail. He usually will send in his ballot as soon as he gets it. I for some odd reason like to go vote on Election Day in person. I enjoy going back to the elementary school library and running into people I haven’t seen in a while.