Random Questions

Just today I used a packet of the Home Depot waste paint hardener to get rid of an old can of paint. I think it works just like kitty litter would. I’ve always used it to dry up the paint in the can so the whole thing can go in the trash. I don’t know how the can could be recycled. It becomes thick and dry very quickly.

Can you contact your town’s transfer station and ask? At mine they have a special area to leave paint. No need to do anything special.

Had to look up transfer station. Interesting.

As long as the paint isn’t liquid and runny, the whole can with the hardened paint can be bagged and thrown in the trash.

You don’t have to take latex out of the can.
Just harden, then (my state says) set in a bag next to the regular trash (lids off, so the guys can see it’s hardened.) Oil paint has to go to the paint drop off. Check your municipality’s guides.

Well, duh – I just looked it up online and there are a bunch of stores close to me that accept up to five gallons at a time. No trouble at all.

Never mind. :-/

@Waiting2exhale Where does your trash go?

In my area, transfer station is the new terminology for dump since towns don’t have their own dumps any longer. :slight_smile:

Actually, I have no idea…a landfill? Will have to find out…

(My husband has now launched into a teaching moment…strip mining, pit mining, and Virginia Hamilton’s M.C. Higgins, The Great

My trash goes to the landfill at the other side of the county. They also have a lot of trash trucked in, some from states as far away as New Jersey. Keep your own trash please :slight_smile: The rates must be far too reasonable if it can be trucked 1,000 miles away.



Yup. Must. Accept. Out of staters’ waste. :slight_smile:

Mine goes in a truck.
JK. I’ve been to the landfill here and it’s very interesting. One of my actor friends is Mr Landfill Man or something, for school kids. Toured the processing plant with D2 when in kindergarten and bought great compost there.last summer.

^^I’m seeing Francine’s Dad on PBS’ Arthur. Great character.

Compost? Great Idea.

Now here’s a random question: I toasted WAY to much coconut for a recipe I was making. Any suggestions for using it? Any recipes you can recommend that use toasted coconut?

Magic bars.


Do macaroons and magic bars work with already toasted coconut? I’ve only seen recipes with it in its untoasted form?

Aww, @doschicos, you’re making my mouth water. Stop it!

You want me to mail you some toasted coconut? =P~

Hmmm. I seem to remember putting my name in the hat for something like this last year. (Was that also with you?Do you make homemade marshmallow?)

Yes! I do. And thanks for reminding me of that fact because one thing I like to do with the marshmallows is roll them in toasted coconut. :slight_smile: