Random Roommate

<p>When I'm signing up for a roommate, I chose the option for a random roommate. Does this option truly gives a random roommate or does it give you some options for a roommate. Do they group people together by interests for instance?</p>

<p>It’s a truly random selection. They don’t do any sort of questionnaire of lifestyle preferences to match potential roommates by. If you want to do something like that, if you have a Facebook you can use it to sign up to Roomsync - there are instructions on the UW Housing site. </p>

<p>And what is Roomsync??</p>

<p>Here’s a link to a description: <a href=“Roommates – University Housing – UW–Madison”>https://www.housing.wisc.edu/residencehalls/roommate&lt;/a&gt;
It’s a service that tries to match you up with people who have similar lifestyles/interests. If you find a roommate that you want to be with, you put each other’s codes in to request them. The user guide is really easy to follow but if you have questions let me know!</p>

<p>A long time ago UW found that random roommate assignments worked just as well as making assignments using questionnaires. Don’t worry if searching for a roommate doesn’t yield one- you’ll do fine. Roommates do not need to have similar majors et al to get along. Students may stretch the truth or not really know themselves when questioned, and many change once they experience the college dorm lifestyle. </p>