Rank my chances for SUNY Binghamton

Current Junior
New York public high school. Rated top 25 in the state
9’th grade
1’st semester: 3.9 UW. 4.3 W
2’nd semester: 3.7 UW. 4.0 W
10’th grade
1’st semester: 2.9 UW. 3.3 W
2’nd semester: 3.5 UW. 3.8 W
11’th grade:
1’st semester: 3.8 UW. 4.3 W
2’nd semester: 3.9 UW. 4.4 W (This is what it looks like it is going to be)

9’th Grade: 3 honors classes
10’th Grade: 1 AP, 3 honors classes
11’th Grade: 4 AP, 1 honors class.
AP World History, AP Chemistry, AP U.S, AP English Language, AP Psychology. 3 on World, the rest are most likely going to be 4’s and 5’s because I feel confident with the course material
National Art Honor Society, National Italian Honor Society, Italian club, Science Olympiad
Varsity cross country and track (I’m fast enough to walk on, but not fast enough to be recruited.)
Hospital volunteering during school year
Doctor shadowing experience over two summers
100+ hours miscellaneous volunteering for NAHS and NIHS commitments
SAT 2: 740/800 Chem
Sat: 1450/1600. Might take it again this year, and twice next year. Going to take ACT next year
LOR’s are excellent, and essay’s are okay.

10’th grade was awful for me. No ec’s, except for varsity cross country, and very low gpa. It prevented me from getting accepted into NHS. It was due to clinical depression and a suicide attempt during the fall of that year. I’m a lot better now and plan on strengthening my application over the summer with science research,volunteering, and writing competitions. This summer I am doing an internship in Manhattan. I’m also going to take 5-6 AP’s next year. I can’t really afford college so I need as many college credits as possible.

I also plan on applying to Brooklyn College, Syracuse and more SUNY schools (Geneseo, Stony Brook, Binghamton, Cortland)
I want to major in biochemistry with an eye on medical school or graduate school research. If you can tell me what colleges would be a good fit for me please let me know. I am only applying to New England/Mid-Atlantic schools.

Imo you could get into any SUNY school relatively easily.

I think you could have just posted your SAT score (1450), left the rest out, and people could tell you that you will almost certainly get into Binghamton. You just need your grades to be good enough to not eliminate you, which they are.

Looking at numbers, Binghamton gets roughly 30K applications, and accepts approximately 40% of those - meaning that around 12K kids get accepted. There are roughly 2.6 million HS seniors at public schools in NY, meaning roughly 203K seniors (2.6 million / 13 grades). Your 1450 SAT score is roughly in the 97th percentile - meaning that roughly 6K HS seniors at public NY schools got your score or better…and Binghamton accepts around 12K kids. I realize my math isn’t complete - I’m only considering public NY schools, so I’m leaving out private NY schools and out of state/country applicants…but you get my point. There simply aren’t that many kids looking to go to Binghamton who have your SAT score - and 1450 is 50 points higher than the 75th percentile for incoming freshman. I’m sure Binghamton will love to have you - just don’t screw up or give them a reason to deny you.

Correction: There are approximately 2.6 million public school students in NY - not 2.6 million seniors. I got that number from data.nysed.gov. So, 2.6 million total public school students (K-12) / 13 grades is approximately 203K seniors - assuming the grades are roughly evenly distributed.

Yeah, you are pretty much in. Especially if you are from a HS that sends a lot of students to bing