Rank of High School

<p>My DD is in the top 10% of her class. I'm trying to put some perspective on this. Is there a ranking of high schools to see where hers falls? I've tried searching these boards and come up empty. Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>Try this: America's</a> Top Public High Schools | Newsweek Best High Schools | Newsweek.com</p>

<p>Thanks Erin's Dad.</p>

<p>Our school is not on the list. Thanks for trying.</p>

<p>how far in the rankings do colleges do in order to ascertain whether a school is difficult to do well in?</p>

<p>Yay, my school made the top 100!</p>

<p>Colleges know what high schools are good and bad. If you take a look at your school's Naviance, that might help (i.e. low GPAs into good schools indicates good high school). Also, average SAT scores at your high school help show this.</p>

<p>lol my school last year was not even in the top 1000, and now its in the top 200. This number is gonna increase cos more and more kids are taking more ap's. And the ranking system for high school all depends on # of aps.</p>

<p>^ Don't forget number of IBs, and number of Cambridge tests.
BTW, what on earth is a Cambridge test?</p>

<p>Artfulmom, top 10% is a good place to be no matter what high school you attend. </p>

<p>But if you can tell us more about your D's hs, people here might be able to offer more perspective. Don't worry about Newsweek. Newsweek's rankings really don't offer much beyond a picture of how many kids sit for APs - it doesn't take into consideration what their scores are on the AP exams, for one thing. Is your D's school public or private? Large or small? What kinds of challenging courses does it offer - AP, IB, or unique opportunities of its own? </p>

<p>Some colleges know a lot about some high schools - and some high schools do a very good job presenting themselves in their school profiles.</p>


Definitely true, though being in Newsweek's top 100 really helps with high school name recognition at colleges. My highschool being in the top 10 has really helped some of the graduates go on to amazing schools.</p>

<p>The Newsweek list doesn't even include the Countries truly best high schools. They leave off all private schools and public magnet schools. It is solely based on number of AP courses taken per pupil. This makes the list a total joke IMO!!</p>

<p>Jealous? JK
But in all honesty there are many public magnet schools on the list, and private schools have plenty of representation on the WSJ list of top private schools. IMO, the Newsweek list, while admittedly flawed, is still a great place for your high school. Colleges certainly don't take it as a joke.</p>

<p>newyorka, no they dont.
my school is a public magnet and in the top 30</p>

<p>My school is a public magnet is within the top 15 (was #1 at one point, was in the top 10 until this year :()</p>

<p>My school is generally considered to be a public magnet and is at #7. =]</p>

<p>D attends a large public hs in suburbs of Chicago. Over 2000 students. Diverse program including many AP’s (she is taking one this year, will take 3 in senior year.) No special IB program is offered. Thanks for any tips/advice.</p>

<p>Interesting. My county has 6 schools in the top 100 this year, but is the ranking really valid for schools below top 20? My school dropped 26 spots from 06-07 and we won the blue ribbon award around then…(supposedly a big deal…at least to the administrators)</p>

<p>I go to Belmont High School, ranked by US News and Newsweek as the best open-enrollment public high school in Massachusetts. I think that this has given me an advantage in the college selection process. How many people with a 3.0 GPA and a class rank in the bottom 50% get accepted to Clemson, Pittsburgh, Northeastern, UMass and Purdue? probably not that many</p>

<p>"The Newsweek list doesn’t even include the Countries truly best high schools. They leave off all private schools and public magnet schools. It is solely based on number of AP courses taken per pupil. This makes the list a total joke IMO!! "</p>

<p>I completely agree with you.</p>

<p>I don’t have a problem that Newsweek leaves off private schools, I don’t want them comparing schools that I would have to pay to go to with normal public schools</p>

<p>Dosen’t include public magnet schools? How about the top couple of schools? Stanton is a magnet school, there are tons of them on the list.</p>