Rank Schools for Journalism

<p>Can someone rank the communications/journalism programs for these schools:
Syracuse,UMaryland,UMass Amherst, UDEL, SUNY Bing, Suny BUFF, Suny New Paltz, SUNY Oneonta</p>

<p>SUNY Bing does not offer Journalism. The SUNY journalism “flagship” school is SUNY Stony Brook.</p>

<p>how do the other schools that I posted compare?</p>

<p>just cross umass amherst off your list unless you want to study print and only print journalism for 4 years.</p>

You are off the mark. The only 2 serious journalism schools on your list are Syracuse (always rated #1 or 2) and UMaryland. Look at Indiana University, UFlorida, UTexas, UGeorgia, American, GW, UMiami, Elon, Penn State, Ithaca, BU, Emerson, NYU, UMissouri, and if your grades are good enough, UNC Chapel Hill and Northwestern (the other #1 or 2). My D applied to many from that list and we did our research! Those are the best for this half of the country.</p>