<p>The Rhodes Scholarships were established after the death of Cecil Rhodes, who dreamed of improving the world through the diffusion of leaders motivated to serve their contemporaries, trained in the contemplative life of the mind, and broadened by their acquaintance with one another and by their exposure to cultures different from their own. Mr. Rhodes hoped that his plan of bringing able students from throughout the English-speaking world and beyond to study at Oxford University would aid in the promotion of international understanding and peace. </p>
<p>Each year, 32 U. S. citizens are among more than 80 Rhodes Scholars worldwide who take up degree courses at Oxford University. The first American Rhodes Scholars entered Oxford in 1904. </p>
<p>Rhodes Scholarship is the most prestigious scholarship awarded to graduating college students. It is based on academics, leadership, moral and courage. Here are the top colleges over the history.</p>
<p>Ranking College Number of Rhodes Scholars
1 Harvard 323
2 Yale 217
3 Princeton 192
4 West Point 85
5 Stanford 82
6 Dartmouth 60
7 UChicago 45
8 Brown 45
9 Virginia 45
10 Naval Academy 43</p>
<p>11 Duke 39
11 UNC 39
13 MIT 36
14 Air Force Adademy 35
15 U of Washington 35
16 Williams 34
17 Wisconsin 29
18 Cornell 27
18 Swarthmore 27
18 Texas-Austin 27
18 Montana 27</p>
<p>22 Columbia 26
22 Vanderbilt 26
22 Oklahoma 26
25 Washington STL 25
25 Michigan 25
25 U of the South 25
25 Kansas 25
25 Mississippi 25
30 West Virginia 24
30 Minnesota 24</p>
<p>32 Davidson 23
32 Arizona 23
32 Georgetown 23
35 Berkeley 22
35 Amherst 22
35 Utah 22
38 U of Alabama 23
39 Georgia 21
40 Idaho 20
41 Harveford 19
41 Penn 19
43 U of Nevada 18
43 U of Wyoming 18
45 U of New Mexico 16</p>
<p>As expected, the top performers are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, West Point, Stanford.</p>
<p>The next tier is Dartmouth, UChicago, Duke, MIT </p>
<p>Among top 40 or so feeder colleges to Oxford (Rhodes), Penn does not perform well given its size and US News reputation. Penn is slightly better than U of Wyoming and U. of New Mexico in Rhodes Scholar production. </p>
<p>Some of the public colleges are doing well because of their size and their ability to produce leaders.</p>