Rate my Senior Schedule

<p>AP Physics (Previously taken Physics already)
AP Calc (Previously taken Calc already)
Engineering I and Engineering II
Dual Enrollment at Local Community College for English
American Government and Economics
Advanced Astronomy<br>
* Do colleges actually care about your senior classes?</p>

<p>Yea, they do. Is gov and econ AP? The nice thing about being a senior is you can load up on AP’s, get b’s second semester and not take the tests. </p>

<p>@CardinalCompSci Nope, Government ad Economics is just CP. I don’t have room in my schedule for it to be AP. Because I would have to drop a CAD II and Engineering II. Not take what tests?</p>

<p>@SupaDupaFly5‌ Only take the tests if you get credit for them. Otherwise, there is no point, because in senior year, nothing matters after you get accepted into college. </p>

<p>@Hawkace Yeah, that is what I thought. However, I have also heard that if you start doing bad the college can take back their acceptance or something like that.</p>

<p>@SupaDupaFly5‌ That’s pretty rare, but don’t drop your grades below C. That’s bad. </p>

<p>Senior classes can help boost weighted GPA by college application time; AP+college classes = Better GPA</p>