RateMyTeachers Thoughts

<p>Ratemyteachers.com - help or hinderance? My personal opinion is that high schoolers in general do not always have the best judgment when it comes to the quality of education they're receiving (ex. bad ratings are given for too much homework, bad grades given, etc). Seems like it'd be more useful for choosing college courses, though.</p>

<p>Well it's pointless at my school because usually only one teacher teaches the class anyways, and we have a large number of required classes, so it kind of serves no purpose, but it's still fun nonetheless to read</p>

<p>As a homeschooler, RateMyTeachers.com doesn't really apply to me, but I do attend a CC for some classes, and I frequent RateMyProfessors.com. A lot of the comments on that site are accurate and objective, but I tend to wonder if there are <em>certain</em> people who make a habit of repeatedly posting bad comments about specific teachers. Either that or students just pick up on little flaws unless an instructor is literally perfect. Take my anatomy/physiology instructor, for example. Her overall ratings are good, but some of the recent comments about her are just plain scathing and overall inaccurate. They say she hates question-asking, she has no compassion for students, and that she's unprepared and disorganized. This couldn't be farther from the truth! It's much more helpful when students point out that tests can be tricky, that you must come to class prepared, etc. I was actually discussing RateMyProfessors with this teacher, and she relates to me that at first she was getting great comments, and then there was an ultra-negative one, and she literally thought she was the worst teacher in the world, and she actually felt hated when she came to school the next day (not that she is). So you do have to take those comments with a grain of salt.</p>

<p>Here's a rating that I love (OK, I happen to like this chemistry instructor, but I can see where the rater is coming from):</p>

<p>"It's not her fault, but she's a prisoner of her own hormones ... the problem is, if you're in her class, you soon become a victim of her mood swings. Oh yeah, she parks her broom stick outside her door, so be sure not to trip over it on the way into her class."</p>

<p>I don't know about students at other schools, but most students from my school give helpful and fair ratings to teachers. I say thumbs up!</p>

<p>RateMyTeachers is REALLY helpful.</p>

<p>THis is a spin off ratemyprofessor</p>

<p>Theo nly thing I don't like is the reating system. There is a limit as to how much you can say which is a big hinderance. And then the factors of which to rate are not specific enough.</p>

<p>OK, I have 6 ratings on ratemyteachers.com and I'm a student (I didn't even know my name was even on it). Shows how valid that site is</p>

<p>ahhhh man this site would have been great if i knew about it since freshman year...now im a senior x_x</p>

<p>people who actually rate their teachers will have differing lifestyles and differing opinions on what is important in a teacher than the average student.
because the average student has S*** to do.</p>