RATTLED - INTL needing financial aid

<p>applied yesterday, live in canada.</p>

<p>i skipped a grade b/c i changed schools, now co president of the school
grade 11 average: 91.8%
all hardest courses... took grade 12 physics in grade 11 and got a 96
SAT: 700 CR 680 WR 680 M
physics and math 2 subject tests in dec/jan
basketball team
volleyball team
track & field
rugby team
two summers of research at a university
3rd prize at 2006 canada wide science fair
piano for 11 years, about ARCT level. piano in jazz band and blues band. i linked to my recording of liszt - petrarca 104 (i didn't have time to do the arts supplement, but i'm going into physics)
community service every summer at an esto camp
work every winter 20hrs/wk managing our neighbourhood outdoor rink
work experience.. assisted an awesome animator for a month... learned to install a bunch of linux distros.
won a bursary and went to china for two weeks this summer
throughout high school i've been DJing at parties and worked on my own as a mobile DJ</p>

<p>recs: good, i guess</p>

<p>essays: i thought the application said 1800 words not characters. so i wrote four ~1200 word essays!!! yesterday was spent cutting down lmao... but really good essays. i just told them the truth, plus it was interesting to write them.</p>

<p>HOWEVER, i checked the box for financial aid, and i'm international. the application said that funding is extremely competitive!!! i'm really worried now - stanford really is my dream school.</p>

<p>what do you think my chances are… 4%?</p>

<p>Surprising that you didn’t take the Subject tests… That is a HUGE setback…</p>

<p>Yes I know they are not compulsory, but they are STRONGLY recommended. </p>

<p>Your SAT I scores are a little on the lower side, but hey anything can happen right?</p>

<p>I would say you have a decent chance.</p>

<p>yeah i’m just really worried about the highly competitive financial aid part :S:S:S</p>



<p>Your board scores are on the low side. Will you be a valedictorian? Stanford loves vals.If you are Asian, and you applied for financial aid, then your chances are not so good. But good luck.</p>

<p>i dont think our school allows a co president to be valedictorian as well… but who knows! and i listed my ethnicity as estonian and did an essay on it.
and thanks for the good luck i obviously need it!</p>

<p>im so stressed out. any more?</p>

<p>this might help.</p>

<p>I called financial aid offices, and the woman told me that they only have about 40 packages per year for international students, which basically, is AWFUL for a school like stanford. now, take into consideration how much your family makes, and think about whether 40 students below you will get aid or not. </p>

<p>if you decide to take back your financial aid thing, you can always email stanford through the email they have listed under the common app info. good luck!</p>

<p>thank you… im not gonna change it…</p>