RD chances.. i know i know

<p>3.4 unweighted, 3.9 weighted (honors + ap 5.0)
top 40. incredibly low, i know.
2000 SAT i. cr680 m620 w700 (1300 cr+m)
competitive hs. 6 ap courses: apworld, aplang, apus, aplit, apbio, apstats.
i am focusing on 3 ec's that i think i am good at and show leadership.</p>

<p>lehigh is my first choice, but i havent visited campus nor had an interview nor showed any interest.. except i sent an email to admission officer in my area. He never replied.</p>

<p>how do i show more interest?</p>

<p>do you think i even have a chance?</p>

<p>its my reach school.</p>

<p>I don't think that the recruitment offiers reply to any emails. I tried to contact one of them and it just automatically responded saying that no emails will be responded to until after he/she return from recruiting the class of 2010. So its not a matter of them choosing not to respond to you. </p>

<p>Your math score seems kind of low for the middle 50% data I've seen, but your CR is fine. What school do you plan on applying to?</p>

<p>Are your 6 AP's just this year or did you take any last year? Do you have any goodd exam grades you can show them?</p>

<p>And as long as you are interested in your EC's and have stayed committed to them for a long time I do not see any problem there. </p>

<p>I think you have have a chance, it is definitely worth applying. I would arrange a campus visit before you write your "Why Lehigh" short answer so that you can show them you have seen the campus, you like it, you feel a good vibe, etc. I don't think that it has to be an infosession or a campus tour, but you should probably go and walk around and get a feel for the school so you can write about it.</p>

<p>The officer replied to my email today. He cleared up some information for me. Whew. Guess he was on Christmas break.</p>

<p>I plan on applying to the College of Arts and Sciences... but, according to their viewbook transferring between schools can easily be done. I don't think that would be much an issue unless I am applying to Special Programs like BA/OD seven year program with SUNY College of Optometry, etc. etc.</p>

<p>I took 6 AP's throughout high school. 1 During sophomore year, 2 during junior, and 3 currently. How do I send AP scores? It doesn't seem to be the norm. 5 on apworld, 3 on apus (bad, i know), 4 on aplang. I think the 4 on APlang might be worth sending because i got a 'C' in the class... (ouch)</p>

<p>I can't visit campus... that's the problem. I live literally across the country and my parents didn't allow me to take any college visits outside of the state. Literally.</p>

<p>I'm thinking since I have a lot of safeties/good matches, it won't hurt to apply. I agree... 'Why Lehigh?' short answer is bugging me a little. But I do have definite interest.</p>

<p>Make sure you send your AP scores, those can't hurt you. Too bad you live across country, because that would make it easier to write about Lehigh if you could visit it. Don't worry about the C either, students have gotten into Dartmouth with C's before.</p>

<p>Spencer.. do you think you can read my short answer and tell me if you think it is appropriate? You don't have to edit grammer/etc.. just tell me what you think? This Short Answer Question was really hard for me.</p>

<p>Sure, send it in a PM.</p>

<p>nhs041088 - the fact that you believe and can feel you have interest for lehigh will definitley show within your essay, i am certain. It really doesnt matter that much to the university that you havent seen their campus. Yes, it will definitley flatter them to see so many eager prospective students awaiting their door, and then to be latter flat out rejected because they in fact had a bad essay or something of the sort.</p>

<p>but just remeber that even though you havent seen the campus, you probably know at least more than many other kids who apply to schools. when i was in your case applying for all my undergraduate schools (i'm now in college now), i too had this problem of defining myself through words. that is why majority of the colleges have questions like these of "Why do you want to go to X university?" And remember, the majority of the students who do apply, whether they are expremley smart and what not, they can't even answer a simple question as this.</p>

<p>just keep that in mind when you write, i hope it helps. PM me as well if you have any other questions. you can even feel free to PM you essay if you would like, especially since i was in your shoes a few years ago. In fact, if any one has questions, please feel free to PM me. i know it may be kinda last minute now, but if you have questions about your essay or anything i'm here.</p>

<p>oh yeah, and also-i am not at all implying you freak out about this essay. in fact im trying to do the opposite in a positive way. that means that this essay really doesn't need to be a whole page long. maybe 200-300 is suficient. THE THINK IS THAT PASSION IS THE KEY TO ADMISSION!!! my "Why do you want to go to X university?" essays were really only about 250 words, and i still got into a majority of the school i applied to. but how did that happen? i showed passion.</p>