<p>Has anyone received their decision letters in the mail yet? I’m getting ancy…</p>
<p>D got her acceptance packet today. Some classmates got theirs over the weekend.</p>
<p>My kid unexpectedly received a large envelope on Tuesday. It wasn’t a fat envelope but it contained plenty of happy news and rekindled interest in Bennington. This particular decision was painless because we got it before we started worrying. Good luck to all who are waiting!</p>
<p>If it makes you feel any better, gapper, S has not heard yet either. Today’s mail has been delivered, so it will be another 24 hours before we can check again.</p>
<p>I just received an email with my decision and my fin aid info was on their web site I still haven’t received the actual physical packet yet, but that’s probably because I’m an international student
Good luck to all!</p>
<p>Just checked the mail, and still no word. It’s the only college of the seven that S applied to that he has not heard from, so I am anxious to learn whether he was accepted! Now we have to wait two more days . . …</p>
<p>Anyway, a question for those of you who have been admitted: does Bennington have an Admitted Students Day?</p>
<p>If you have your Bennington financial aid user id and pin (in the event you applied for aid), you can log in as usual and any aid awarded will post. That is how we first learned of admission. Good luck.</p>
<p>Thanks for the suggestion, itsallok! </p>
<p>On S’s financial aid page, it says “If you were able to view the Documents page earlier but are no longer able to do so, it is likely that your aid application is ready for or in review.” That is our situation – we were able to see the Documents page as recently as last week, but now we can’t. So even though we do not yet see an award, I am assuming that it is a good sign that our aid application is most likely in review.</p>
<p>I also called Admissions just to ask when the letters were going out. I guess they send them in batches, because the person who answered said that the last of the letters would be mailed out April 1.</p>
<p>I would actually not mind finding out about financial aid first, because that will be a big factor if S gets in!</p>
<p>Bennington has been contacting me off and on these past few weeks requesting bits of information. Yesterday I was called by the financial aid office for some clarifications on my financial aid application. A week ago they wanted more information on the high school I attended (as I’ve been out of school for two years, they were a little confused?) </p>
<p>I can’t imagine them going through all of this if I were to be rejected.</p>
<p>Yes! S finally heard from Bennington, and he is in!</p>
<p>They also sent the financial aid award by regular mail. The FA award is not yet posted online, though, which seems a bit strange, but – maybe they don’t post it until a few days after snail-mailing it, to eliminate that backdoor way of finding out about admission status. Which is fine with me, as long as I have the hard copy of the FA offer!</p>
<p>Congratulations, SodiumFree! My son is leaning toward Bennington right now, but is far from decided. How 'bout your son?</p>
<p>Mommybird, my son has narrowed his choices down to three colleges. Although they are all serious contenders, I think that if he had to rank them right this moment, Bennington would come in second.</p>
<p>Although my son may not see it this way, I think the other schools had an advantage by having more time to get their message out to him. Bennington was the last college to send out its admission decision, so they have only this one month to convince S that they should be his first choice!</p>
<p>But that is just my thinking. S, I believe, will try to look at all three colleges with an open mind, and I trust he will choose the one that is the best fit. </p>
<p>If he asked me which one I thought he should choose, I’d have a hard time saying! They are all great schools, in my opinion. It is so nice to finally be at this moment in the college app process!</p>
<p>Thanks, SodiumFree. My son is in a very similar boat. You seem calm. I guess I should be also. Deciding won’t be easy for him but it will be more fun than waiting.</p>
<p>I just read on another CC thread that Bennington sends a chocolate chip cookie with the acceptance letter. A much older post (2006) on yet another thread says that Bennington sent a t-shirt, maple syrup, and a cookie with the acceptance.</p>
<p>My son’s acceptance included a very nice congratulatory letter from the Dean of Admissions, the Intent to Enroll form and envelope, and three financial forms.</p>
<p>Did anyone get anything else?</p>
<p>Not that it’s important – I’m just curious!</p>
<p>And mommybird, I’m glad that I appear to be calm, at least in writing, but I don’t really feel calm! I think it’s relative, though, and I am relatively calmer now that my son has heard from all the colleges he applied to!</p>
<p>My son received a package from Bennington today. About the size of a well-packed Bennington pottery mug. Son is at a convention all day so I don’t know what is in it. aNYONE else receive anything? that has been opened?</p>
<p>So what was in the package?? I can’t wait to hear!</p>
<p>Just got home and he opened it: an obviously homemade cookie, a Bennington grocery bag, 3 cute Bennington pins (like a Bennington 2014 pin) and a packet of student produced mini-'zines about Bennington. Very sweet and welcoming. Wonder how long the cookie will last!</p>
<p>That’s so cool! Looking forward to my son getting his package. I’m not going to tell him it’s coming, so it will be a surprise for him. I look forward to seeing his reaction!</p>
<p>Cookie is gone. Cookie deemed very good (a certain chocolate chip cookiness and a certain chocolate-containingness was noted) but not as good as Mbird’s. I’d call that a good news - good news situation!</p>
<p>Did everyone accepted get a cookie, some zines, some pins, and a bag?</p>