<p>Ya, so I have this really stupid honors English teacher. The class isn't really honors, its just the English class for smart kids. So we got a 35 point paper back and I got a 24. A D+, but it will probably be about 45% of our overall grade cause we NEVER have any assignments or tests. Ever. Period.</p>
<p>My mom is super ****ed off at the teacher, not me. Its because me and the rest of the high potential kids in the class got C's, D's, or F's. While the girls were the only ones getting good grades. The one guy that got the best score was 32/35, and hes Indian, and were 99% all white. </p>
<p>This seems so unacceptable. I looked at my paper, I saw what she marked, but she very pointed out where I lost points. I can't get the paper, she has it since still has to put it in the computers, but that might be a while. Our district computer system has a virus and is shut down.</p>
<p>My mom is going to have a conference with her tomorrow. She's going to see if we can re-submit our papers. I HIGHLY doubt that she will let us, shes like that. But my question, anyone of of you had yours re-submitted, or something like that?</p>
<p>It’s unfair to say that because all of the “high potential kids” did poorly on the paper there must be something wrong with the teacher, especially if she was able to point out where you lost all of your points.</p>
<p>except she wasen’t able to point out. There was no grading rubric she gave us. She did not tell us exactly how to write it. Just write it and cite it correctly, quote, </p>
<p>"Research the following: the spiritual beliefs of the Lakota people and Wacipi (pow-wow), specifically the grass dance. Must be 2 pages, double-spaced using min. 3 sources, no more than 4-6 quotes. No block quotes accepted.
The purpose of this paper is for you to gain an understanding of the topic and be able to write about it in your own words. This will help you gain an understanding of the novel.(20)</p>
<p>Include a hand-drawn map with location of Lakota in 1800, and current reservations (5)
Must include parenthitical references and word cities (10)</p>
<p>Didn’t you say that she was able to point out where the points were taken off?</p>
<p>I don’t mean to sound like I am antagonizing you, but that doesn’t seem like a vague prompt at all. Write a 2 page research paper about the grass dance using 3 sources, a map, and make sure that it’s all properly cited. I say that you should save your grade grubbing for a bigger paper than a little two-page, 35-point one.</p>
<p>Lol, ***? A 2 page paper with hand-drawn map worth ~45% of your grade?! Are you still in elementary school, by any chance?</p>
<p>Wait, so she showed you were you made your mistakes… how would resubmitting help anything? Are you planning on correcting your mistakes for the more recent draft?</p>
<p>And I’ve never resubmitted anything, per se, though I’ve occasionally gone and argued my point to various teachers in essays and the like and gotten a higher grade that way.</p>
<p>Ya, it seems pretty specific, but you can find it. Points were taken off because I didn’t do enough on “Wacipi”, she didn’t tell me how much to devote to it considering there is other stuff i need to make. I got a 3/5 on map, no reason. It was so ridiculous. Then the other part was just really stupid, that was both of our faults, she checks it, tells me my parenthical references are okay, I leave them… I should have checked them again.</p>
<p>Ya, its mid-quarter in a week. We have no other assignments on our yearlong calendar, and our ‘big project’ is due next week. With the rate shes grading, it will take her 4-5 weeks to correct… Thats it for gradings. Its so bad*** 35 points equals half of our grade…</p>
<p>I often have interim grades that are way out of proportion simply due to a lack of assignments. One bad test grade can mess you up. But by the end of the quarter everything works out.</p>
<p>Your map was probably really bad (I mean, you probably didn’t color enough things with the Macaroni & Cheese colored crayon), so I would’ve given you a terrible grade too.</p>