Hello! I was just hoping if someone on here could check my Commonapp Education Interruption “essay”.
I had a hard move before Junior year; my new high school was significantly more difficult, which is why my uw GPA has now dropped to 3.85. I still want to apply to top schools and hope that this essay will provide them some insight into my struggles and disadvantages. I don’t want to sound too whiny because I’m not whining about it. I would some outside perspectives 
Please PM me if you’re interested so I can send you my essay. Thank you!
Top schools want to know how you overcame challenges, not a reason why you were defeated. And you know a 3.85 is not a defeat, right?
More than that, though, was your education interrupted? You left school? The question, “If your education was or will be interrupted, please indicate so here and provide details in the Additional Information section,” isn’t about a move.
@lookingforward Under the Education Interruption Section, it asks to “please use the space below to provide details about the change in progression through secondary school that you indicated above.”
I wrote about the differences between my old school and new one, as well how I overcame the challenges that plagued me. My old school had a weird system that still leaves my weighted GPA at a disadvantage when compared to my peers, but I made the best out of my situation and ended up improving myself in the end. I want the admissions officers to know that when they evaluate my application, that even though I had a rocky start, I still persevered. Should I move this to the Additional Info section instead?