<p>Crimson - it's a topic of choice. I think it shows my personality the best, that will say the parts that the academics wont cover. Currently I received two positive responses and one negative - all good!</p>
<p>I'll post some of the reviews here later on after I received enough positive/negative one's. Can be interesting to see how people judge an essay differently. I'll just copy in the comments without names under the label Positive and Negative.</p>
<p>I'll read your essay if you'd like. Just let me know if you just want the overall impression or the close read details as well. :)</p>
<p>pm away dude.. im interested</p>
<p>you havent sent it to me yet!!!!!</p>
<p>yo, send it to me too</p>
<p>Corporate, I'll try and help too</p>
<p>You can PM me. :)</p>
<p>pm me please</p>
<p>i'm interested/college obsessed. pm me too</p>
pm me plz</p>
<p>pm mw too.</p>
<p>pm me too!</p>
<p>pm me too please =)</p>
<p>me too please</p>
<p>Pm me, too. I'll try to help. =)</p>
<p>Whoa, major bandwagon effect!</p>
<p>Curiosity kills. =D</p>
<p>I am interested as well.</p>
<p>Okay, it's currently system overload so for those of you who havent received the essay yet, be patient.</p>