Read my essay.

<p>I already posted this thread once, but i would really like more opinions. </p>

<p>hi would someone please read my UNC-CH hill essay and tell me what you think. Please be harsh. The question was:
We tend to spend our time doing the things we know we do well—running because we’re good runners, or painting because we’re talented artists. Tell us about a time when you tried something for which you had no talent. How did it go?</p>


<p>I’ll give you some advice. Just PM me with the essay</p>

<p>sleff30-sent thanks</p>

<p>i’ll take a look…

<p>pinkfloyd-sent thanks</p>

<p>Aye, PM…</p>

<p>I’ll look it over. :)</p>

<p>Decent essay, I would change around the words a bit because I see some repitition in there.</p>

<p>ish-okay thanks for reading it</p>

<p>I’ll take a look at it if you still want!

<p>madras-sent thanks</p>

<p>PM me if you’re up for another reader. Best of luck with UNC!</p>

<p>fix you-sent thanks</p>

<p>PM me, dude.</p>

<p>hellojan-sent thanks</p>

<p>I’ll check it out</p>

<p>duper-sent thanks</p>

<p>to the people i sent my essay to. why havent i heard responses back from some of you. i would really like to send in my app, but im just waiting for your critiques thanks.</p>