Readers for WhyDuke? Essay. Please!

<p>I"m looking for people to help crtique my why duke essay. It's only a paragraph. </p>

<p>I really have a hard time imagining someone plagarazing it, but whatever if people are adamant can it be someone who isn't appying Regular admission.</p>

<p>I'll pm it to whoever responds positively.l</p>

<p>Hey, I wouldn’t mind reading it. I am already into Duke ED.</p>

<p>pretty please</p>

<p>I’ll read it too. I already sent my app in so I couldn’t steal it anyway. Just want to see what other applicants wrote. I can give you grammatical suggestions if you want.</p>

<p>Feel free to PM it to me. I was accepted thru ED.</p>

<p>Sure. Send it over.</p>

<p>already applied and did interview…if you wanna send it</p>

<p>Available to read if need be, PM me.</p>

<p>You can PM it to me, I’ll read it for you. I sumbitted my application already.</p>

<p>sure. i wouldnt mind :)</p>

<p>pm me. i am a freshman at Duke (check my past posts) with a 4.0 lol</p>

<p>i did mine and i LOVE it. dont plan on changing it at all.</p>

<p>pm me too. i’m a student at Duke (check my past posts) but I don’t have a 4.0 lol</p>

<p>ill read it, got in Duke ED</p>

<p>Send it over!!</p>

<p>sure i’ll read it! i’m a student here. PM it to me!</p>

<p>mine’s done. ill read!</p>

<p>pm me if you want another critique. thanks.</p>