Reading Passages..

<p>Hi! I'm not sure if it's possible to answer this.. but what do you do when two answers seem correct? This happened to me many times, and somehow most of the times, I picked the wrong answer. Like I went back to the passages to look for clues, but sometimes both answers seem to be right, depending on how you interpret things..</p>

<p>look carefuly at both choices. the trick is one choice always has a word which is irrelevant to the context.</p>

<p>choose the most literal answer. don't think TOO hard. if you think too deeply intot the question and start to analyze things too much, then you often choose the wrong answer, even if both answers seem correct. choose the simplest answer. (note, these are very big generalizations, but if you can't find something literal in the text to support one of the answers, this was the strategy I used)</p>