<p>“years of self creation” </p>
<p>I put that she was away from immediate family trying to “find” herself. Made sense in context of that paragraph</p>
<p>“years of self creation” </p>
<p>I put that she was away from immediate family trying to “find” herself. Made sense in context of that paragraph</p>
<p>“What country not live in? America
How does he describe the two brothers? virtually the same
20 foot steel building? Part of his imagination
What didn’t he want to do? Run a tram
Why does he interrupt himself? he feels childish?”</p>
<p>also, i believe the question was, what did he THINK arnold would be like, and i put mean/tough, because i think in the passage his brothers were mean/tough</p>
<p>for aooutt there, i put the imagining one</p>
<p>no it was not strenghthend as far as i remember…im pretty sure the lines 7-9 question was ignored cuz hormones were not even discussed barely.</p>
<p>“i said it was ignored for the hormone questions. for what was arnold like, i remember in the passage they said that the rest of the family was dreamy and distant… so its def not distant. i remember being stuck between small and intelligent and another choice, but i ended up choosing the other choice.”
i put tougher</p>
<p>and i think i put the hormones weakened the argument</p>
<p>What are the other names of the characters in the Arnold passage (or any other useful details)? I’m trying to find the passage…</p>
<h2>also, i believe the question was, what did he THINK arnold would be like, and i put mean/tough, because i think in the passage his brothers were mean/tough</h2>
<p>I probably made a mistake if that’s the case. </p>
<p>Year of self-creation - she didn’t publish cause her life was unstable</p>
<p>And it had to have strengthened the argument.</p>
<p>Main argument: We normally think of lions with long manes. But there are lions out there with shorter manes.
1st part
Environment can play a role in changing mane length
2nd part
Hormones also have a role in changing mane length. Look at monkeys.</p>
<p>i thought for the mean/tougher one the question asked whcih of the following were not what jack imagined arnold being like:
so i remember the questions were
mean/tougher (in passage)
dreamy/distant (in passage)
small/intelligent idk</p>
<p>so wasn’t the question asking that…? so wouldnt mean/tougher be eliminated? it’s all a blur idk maybe i did choose that one lol</p>
<p>Hardworker: If that’s true, then I misread the question. I thought it asked about what Jack THOUGHT Arnold would be like (before he met him of course)</p>
<p>im pretty sure it was mean/tougher because it was like he was much lesss mean/tough then i expected</p>
<p>what about the one where it asks about if his friends Jsomthing and Gsomthing, the brothers(?), were like each other, i put identical, was that right?</p>
<p>daps, your right, i definitely remember it saying what he THOUGHT</p>
<p>hey guys this is a list of answers we came up with a consensus and some are still in dispute. if anyone can make a math and science one that would be tight!</p>
primate behavior
gerald and jaimie -really alike
boy refered the skyscraper as a nation whole
scientists experiment was challenged
lush of mane= healthy? dispute
train answer= 1000 miles
train answer=yes because of chilhood memories with adult
years of self creation= life away from the immediate family
“aoutt theree” trying to imagine where his brother went
lions hair deviates by length only not both
jake DOES NOT interupt arnold in convo
irony- 10000 parking spaces
2nd ironic/odd part - he made vienna like america
He was a visionary?
He was also later in life disgusted/dissapointed
Greedy people ****ed him off.
They didn’t recognize her until she was well-published
America was a completely different place.
hormone questoin ignored
author was gratified or something so shes NOT something with her sisters and writing
what did jake not want to do? run a tram
jake expected arnold to be meaner and tougher than his brothers</p>
country’s or countries’-country’s
each shiny cylinder
as evidenced by
rows, or connolades,
like blah describe a flock of elegant windmills"
verical stainless cylinders</p>
<p>Daps, you’re right. The answer was mean/tougher. I remember going back to the passage to verify the answer.</p>
<p>I disagree.
Her life was unstable. NOT about family.</p>
<p>Sweet, so it’s not dreamy / distance, the answer is meaner and tougher.</p>
<p>Also, my answer was unstable, and not finding herself</p>
<p>Btw, did Jack think the old things he did were all childish, etc? There were like 3 questions that asked about that</p>
<p>here are my answers:
primate behavior (i think i put this, don’t remember for sure)
gerald and jaimie -really alike
boy refered the skyscraper as a nation whole
scientists experiment was challenged - was the answer that researcher’s previous beliefs were challenged? or idk if i remember this one
lush of mane= healthy? dispute
train answer= 1000 miles
train answer=yes because of chilhood memories with adult
years of self creation= unstable life/job
“aoutt theree” trying to imagine where his brother went
lions hair deviates by length only not both
irony- 10000 parking spaces
2nd ironic/odd part - he made vienna like america
He was a visionary?
He was also later in life disgusted/dissapointed
Greedy people ****ed him off.
They didn’t recognize her until she was well-published
America was a completely different place.
hormone question ignored
author was gratified or something so shes NOT something with her sisters and writing
what did jake not want to do? run a tram
jake expected arnold to be meaner and tougher than his brothers
country’s or countries’-country’s
each shiny cylinder
as evidenced by
rows, or connolades,
like blah describe a flock of elegant windmills"
verical stainless cylinders</p>
<p>Ok… defintely NOT ignored.</p>
<p>and Hormone’s helped out.</p>
<p>and same about years of life = unstable.</p>
<p>Right before that line in question, she states that Americans typically try to “find themselves”</p>
<p>And “years of self creation” better describes the process of “finding” oneself than it describes the instability of someone.</p>
<p>Yea I thought hormones helped out the argument.</p>
<p>i seriously think that hormones helped. can anyone find the passage?</p>
<p>Arnold was thought to be meaner. Jack said that he expected the toughness of the other two brothers to be intensified in Arnold, but that wasn’t the case.</p>
<p>Arnold changed the way Jack thought about his self image.</p>
<p>Aoout there - trying to imagine where Arnold’s been. Jack mentioned wanting to look through Arnold’s eyes.</p>
<p>Years of self creation - not published, unstable life (mentioned the unstable life later in the paragraph)</p>
<p>Author felt a sense of gratification, relief, but NOT anything about her sisters’ writing.</p>
<p>Irony - made a mall with 10,000 parking spots but decided that it disfigured the mall</p>
<p>Frustrated visionary</p>
<p>Irony - made Vienna more like America</p>