Readmission to UCR after withdrawal

<p>Hi, I am currently a fourth year student at UCR - or rather ex-student, as I had withdrawn from CNAS for the second consecutive quarter after struggling so much with math classes. As applied math is my primary major, this is not good news. I weighed my options and sent a readmission petition to CHASS to reinstate myself back into UCR as an economics major. </p>

<p>Note - this may be long, but please read.</p>

<p>Now it may not sound like I have a strong case to get approved. However, I had taken a good handful of economic courses, lower and upper division. I had done significantly better in my economic courses than math courses - no As and there were a handful of C's for math upper division courses while my lowest economics grade for upper division and lower was a B- (Econ 104a - Microeconomic Theory). Also I can complete the economics major AND grab a math minor (since I did a good chunk of math upper division courses as well) to be nicely under 216 units. I still have a couple of breadth courses, mostly language, but I did the foreign language test and placed myself on Chinese level 2 so I still need 3 courses of Chinese at least. My GPA is around 3.1 with everything in it, and much higher without the upper division math courses. </p>

<p>I thought my math skills were adequate from my lower division studies and my dedication to math was strong. However, over the past few quarters I began to doubt myself. In Economic upper division courses I felt comfortable and right at home, while in math I was slow to learn the concepts and usually fell too far behind. This is upper division I am talking about now by the way. </p>

<p>NOW, my question is this - what are my chances for readmission? </p>

<p>2 consecutive quarters of withdrawals is excessive to me, and worries me a lot. I sent in my petition with a letter to explain mainly that I can get the major easily under 216 unit limit and that I did a good number of economic courses, along with the economics department support. Maybe I am panicking too much, but I don't want my parents knowing that I practically kicked myself out of the school just because I realized now that math is not my forte. It has been nearly a month since the petition was sent to CHASS and I heard no answer so far. </p>

<p>So, what do you guys think?</p>

<p>None of us are qualified to evaluate this for you. You need to pick up the phone and call UCR and find out the status of your application.</p>