I took three years off from my degree, and I’m ready to head back and would appreciate some feedback on my readmissions letter. I feel like something is missing from it. Thank you for looking
I am writing to request readmission to finish my degree in English Literature. I left in Spring of 2017 after having a poor semester. Unfortunately, this wasn’t my first poor semester, and I realized my fear of failure continually turned into the self-fulfilling prophecy, and I needed to really address my mental health.
My years at XXX were a struggle, and I wish I hadn’t put so much pressure on myself to finish in four years so I would’ve gotten the help I needed sooner. I loved learning and the environment I was in, but when it came to schoolwork, I would freeze. I would tell myself I wasn’t smart enough over and over again. I would try to write an essay, get so anxious that my entire body shake, and give up to crawl into bed while the deadline passed. I tried to convince myself my issues were insolvable and that I simply wasn’t smart enough to participate in academic conversation.
Since I left, I regularly see a therapist and take anxiety medication. Addressing my severe anxiety has directly affected my capability and desire to set and achieve goals. I entered the workforce for the first time. I completed an internship at a publishing company, and I started volunteering at an arts foundation. My love for literature always being prominent in my life, I voraciously read and kept a journal exclusively for analysis as if I was preparing for lecture.
If readmitted, I plan to set personal deadlines for schoolwork so I’m unfazed of creeping deadlines. Now that I’m no stranger to asking for help, I plan to utilize my professors’ office hours and the university’s writing center to think and write to the best of my abilities. Lastly, if applicable, I would like to retake classes I previously failed.
Now I know I am ready to pursue my degree and be successful in doing so. Thank you for your consideration.