<p>D left for Columbia this morning with her brother who is heading to Chapel Hill for his senior year. She has to move into the sorority house on Saturday because their rush pre-activities begin in earnest on Monday. They are planning on doing the drive in one day....I'm not very excited about that but we'll see.....</p>
<p>EAmom and I are heading out tomorrow with her (D's) car ....fully loaded (there would not have been room for her with all her stuff) and plan to arrive in Columbia Friday afternoon. We had planned to spend a few days there then head to Chapel Hill for a few days but my dad is having major surgery in Cleveland next week so we're going to head to CLE on Sunday afternoon instead.</p>
<p>I'll probably be fairly scarce on the boards next week so if you have any specific questions, PM me and I can access through my email.</p>
<p>My best wishes to all new students and parents, drive or travel safely and enjoy your time in Columbia.</p>