Ready to be appalled? haha

<p>Sat subject scores:</p>

<p>Literature- 550
Math II- 640</p>

<p>Told you it was gonna be terrible!
Hoping for a deferral, not a rejection. They said that's what they most likely would do if everything else was good except one test score.</p>

<p>Not gonna really worry about it anymore. Retaking in December anyway.
: p</p>

<p>Raise that math score about 150 points for Mudd ;)</p>

<p>If they defer you, and you can take the math test again, I seem to remember having used a book by Rusen Meylani, and it filled in many gaps I had. I actually had no precalculus education and went straight to calculus, so that’s how that went.</p>

<p>Ouch that math score is really gonna hurt. I feel that my 760 IIC score is gonna screw me over though also.</p>

<p>^ don’t worry about it. The students there told me as long as you have over 700 you’re fine. This came from admitted students with like 710s.</p>