Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Barbie is getting LOTS of attention right now with the release of the highly touted Barbie movie opening this weekend.

I think I remember talking about Barbie once before…but gosh, we gotta jump on the current Barbie and Ken train and rehash!

Will you see the movie? Are people in your family - younger or older talking about the “resurgence”? What role did the Barbie franchise play in your life or your kids?

If you had to dress up as Barbie or Ken for an event (apparently this is a thing - people are dressing in character to attend the movie!) how would you dress???

The trailer - it’s fun to watch:


I’m not a movie goer so won’t see the movie. Ditto for my kids (2 female, 1 male) - not movie goers.

I should add that the new Barbie movie is NOT geared at children. Important note. :slight_smile:

I had Barbies of course. And played with them alot. My girls also had Barbies - I think D2 was especially into dressing them and we had the Barbie car/house/pool - she would tag along with her dad to garage sales and always come home with a Barbie SOMETHING!

The Barbies of my childhood seemed to either be dressed in classy winterwear - like a turtleneck sweater and skirt or twirly dresses or beachwear. The best I could do dressing up would be a twirly dress perhaps! I can’t do a high ponytail, I don’t have blonde hair but I could wear PINK. :slight_smile:


My entire family is going to see it. My college age sons are eager to see it because they admire the director Greta Gerwig.
I loved playing with Barbies. My favorite was the Spanish Barbie.
I admit to playing with them until I was 12 and feeling sad when I stopped because it was “not cool” to play with dolls.


I am planning on seeing the movie as is my daughter. It might be a few weeks as we both have tons of stuff going on this weekend and next week. H said he would actually like to see it (!) but will wait until we can watch at home. S will likely see it.

I loved playing with Barbies when I was growing up. Loved the clothes (many made by my friends and me). My favorite thing was the cardboard Barbie “college campus” with the dorm room and “malt shop” and the picture of the football stadium on the reverse side. Clearly that must have made an impression and here I am on CC.


Oh that is such a fun set!!! I love that you found an example!

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Not a fan of Barbie but I have enjoyed the snippets of the trailers I’ve seen. Definitely will not be going to the movie theater to see it but if one of my kids were to stream it (highly unlikely) or my husband were (even more unlikely) I’d watch it. I wouldn’t choose to put it on though. Only so much time and so many things to watch.

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I have actually been looking forward to it but will wait till streaming. I am a huge Margot Robbie fan.


Barbie has made a lot of progress since my kids where young. We didn’t have any Barbies in the house back in the 1990’s. Or Disney for that matter. Hate being a stereotype here! Have to say all that pink in the movie ads is a little off-putting. (I had breast cancer, which has left me hating the color) Hoping people enjoy the movie if they go.

Pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed the trailer - rethinking my assumption that I won’t watch it (not at the theater though).


Looking forward to the movie. I hope to go with a friend, maybe see Oppenheimer first and make a day of it.

I loved Barbie as a girl. I was not that interested in baby dolls and wanted instead to imagine my life as a grown up woman, out having adventures and exploring the world. My Barbie had a space capsule (from the GI Joes), never married, and was the boss. Ken and Joe both adored her. Do I sound like the movie?

I do not have daughters but have a boatload of Barbies for some future grand daughter. My boys discovered Barbie one afternoon in gym childcare and were fascinated by all her little, choking hazard accessories. When they were carefully putting on shoes and necklaces, it was the quietest they had been in ages. (Caregiver in a small gym brought in her own stuff for older kids.)

I am enjoying all the pink but can see how it would be annoying for breast cancer survivors who do not associate it with Barbie.

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LOL, so true but made me laugh!

I’ve also heard that many people are making it a “BarbieHeimer” weekend or night - seeing both expected blockbusters either both in one day or both in a weekend - and changing “costumes” for each one.


D2 and a group of friends are going to the opening on Friday. D2 is a fashionista so I can’t wait to see what her outfit for the movie will be. My girls both played with Barbies and our house was Barbie central for years!

I’m sure I will see the movie at some point, but not this first weekend. If D2 loves the movie I might suggest that D1, D2 and I go see it together.


I really want to go see it, and I really want to go see it with some friends who all have daughters. (I only have sons.) I’m planning on enjoying both the “kitsch” and the irony.


Since we have been “naturally vaccinated” :laughing:, my husband says we might want to make some use of it and go watch a movie or two. Barbienheimer (or Oppenbarbie?), here we go!


I didn’t play with Barbies as a kid, but my S22 and D25 both love them so we all plan to go. We do not see many movies at all, but plan to see this one in the theaters.


Barbenheimer movie poster :rofl:

created by @ sean longmore Layered Butter on Instagram: "BARBENHEIMER by @seanlongmore."


We’re going to the beach next week with our children and grandchildren. D, DIL, and I are planning a girls’ night to see the movie while the menfolk stay home and watch the toddlers.



I was a HUGE Barbie fan. My sister and I played with Barbies for years. We had the house, camper, jet, you name it. I still have some tucked away in storage.

That being said, I have zero interest in the movie, can’t quite figure out the allure to be honest.

Definitely going to see this.

I LOVE Ryan Gosling, but I would have preferred a Chris Pine-type as Ken.