Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Well, you could try to trick him into dressing up in all black……:grin:

Saw Oppenheimer tonight, agree it did not feel like 3 hours. Some truly excellent acting, cinematography is great - though definitely confused by the large cast, jumping chronology and some trouble catching all the dialogue. Overall liked it way more than expected. Theater was only half full but it was an 8 pm weeknight showing and it’s been playing for what 3 weeks now?


We saw Oppenheimer weeks ago, and just saw Barbie today. Husband and I both liked Oppenheimer better, and thought Barbie was just OK. I suspect it might have been funner to see Barbie earlier, with the audience dressed up in pink, etc.


It’s more fun to go with a female friend or daughter, and dress together in pink. I went again today (because my friend was so disappointed that I hadn’t asked her to go, so I said I’d see it again). All the women in the audience were still wearing pink, but nothing crazy out there.


We saw Barbie last week and loved it. There was a group of women in pink jumpsuits in the audience. :laughing: I wore the fuchsia Manolos that I recently scored off RealReal. Little kid and her husband saw it on Sunday and thought it was funny and entertaining. Kid wore my vintage Valentinos that I couldn’t find - no wonder why :laughing:! Oppenheimer is next on the list. Just need to find a day with a show that doesn’t end past midnight!


I wear pink almost every day and I did today. Not bubblegum pink, just pink.


This might be my favorite comment on this thread!


Lol. The pink shoes I intended to wear were expropriated by kid. :laughing:

The local Cinemark moved a different movie to their IMAX theater, so no IMAX Oppenheimer. I said to heck with it, and we will be watching Oppenheimer in the same bougie theater. I noticed they sell wine by the bottle… just perfect for 2 people/3 hours! :laughing:


Our local Cinemark is awesome. Smaller theaters, great popcorn, but no alcohol sales. The friends that we sometimes go with always laugh when they see me carrying a purse there, because I never carry a purse. Amazing what you can fit in those things.:wine_glass::wine_glass:


I learn something new everyday. :wine_glass::tropical_drink::champagne:

Well, I’m jealous that you own so many pink shoes you had to wear the back-ups.

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Exactly 2 pairs of pink-ish heels. And pink Allbirds! :sunglasses:


Finally watched Oppenheimer. Wow. The movie did not feel like it was 3 hours long! We both agreed that it was worth watching it on a big screen even though it was not IMAX.

ETA: my husband declared this summer the best ever movie summer. :sunglasses:


I watched it again today for $4 and enjoyed it even more the second time as I was able to pick up more of the dialog.


I also saw Oppenheimer today. I wished I’d had a cheat sheet on who was who (and good guy or bad guy).

I think I could see it 10 times and still not figure out who everyone is. And poor Peter Oppenheimer - did he really cry through the first 3-4 years of his life? Every time he was on the screen he was crying.


We saw Barbie today, @$4 national cinema day + $2 processing/ticket. It was interesting and I was glad to see it before too many spoilers.


We finally saw Oppenheimer. It was good, but I’m not sure I was overwhelmed. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out why some bits were in black and white and others were in color.

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I was glad and surprised to hear S shorting and laughing out loud during quite a bit of Barbie movie. I so rarely hear him laugh!


Did you figure it out?

The color was Oppenheimers point of view, the muted color was his memory and the black and white was Straus’s perspective.


H and I saw Oppenheimer yesterday on the $4 movie day. It did not feel like the movie was 3 hours long. We both really liked it a lot.

We were at Los Alamos last fall when we were on a road trip with my parents. We saw the boys school that was taken over and we saw Oppenheimer’s house from the outside as it was being refurbished.