Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE

Wowwww! The parking lot by the local not so popular movie theater is PACKED! At 1 pm. :sunglasses:

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Also, the prize goes to the score IMO which really was what kept the pace and suspense. Not something I usually notice.

Glad I went tonight with my science kids who also love history. If I’d missed the boat I doubt I would have ever sat to watch it at home. And visually, it is a big screen movie for sure.


A few months ago I saw an newspaper article about the Barbie movie. One of the comments was that the critics would hate it and no one would see it anyway. The critics have not universally hated it and a lot of people are seeing it! Yay!


Folks. Start a new thread about Oppenheimer, ok?

Big opening weekend for Barbie both domestic and globally, record breaking in some ways:


…or rename this thread Barbenheimer!


We have been anticipating Oppenheimer for ages, but wouldn’t have seen Barbie if it weren’t for the whole Barbenheimer thing… We saw Barbie last night and I thought the movie itself was pretty forgettable, aside from the fun of seeing it in a theater full of costumed fans. The contrast between the two films did inspire a good conversation with my kids about the Bechdel test and related issues, though.

My kids were also amazed that the various discontinued dolls ever existed! Most of them were not a surprise to me, but I had never heard of Sugar Daddy Ken :astonished:

If I can’t beat 'em, I join 'em. I’ve renamed this thread because I don’t feel like dealing with more flags.


I’d happily talk about Barbie but not watching until Wednesday. LOTS of pink everywhere when we went to Oppenheimer last night though.


Oppenheimer was heavy. I understand why people were saying if you were going to do both movies in one day, see Barbie first.
I really enjoyed it - I thought the acting was superb. I’m a huge Cillian Murphy fan and his performance was as I expected. I was most surprised by Robert Downey Jr. He definitely deserves a nomination for best supporting actor.


I never had a Barbie, as dolls were forbidden in my house. My dad was an early feminist, and refused to let us play with “girlie toys”we got legos, airplanes and cars, stereotypical male toys. I wasn’t going to see this movie, but now that I read there’s some sort of uproar because Barbie is a feminist, I’m going to have to see it. My dad would be confused!


We saw Oppenheimer. It was really fantastic. Very well done. Deserves at least 1 Academy Award. The 3 hr flew by.


Did anyone dress up for Barbie?

We had pink and blue in our group💖


So what does a guy have to wear to dress up for Barbie? My husband says he refuses to wear pink or dye his hair yellow, but I think there have been many versions of Ken, including Ken Army doll. I think.

I have pink clothes, so that’s pretty easy.


My son got his hair cut a few days ago, and the hairdresser asked him if he wanted it bleached like Ken. Apparently lots of guys are doing that. (My son said no thanks.)

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Gee, not sure I own much in pink. I’ve never been much of a fan, tho it looks fine on many. D hates pink.

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I think I might have one pink shirt. One pink lipstick, one pink nail polish, and one bra that makes my boobs stick out.:rofl:Maybe I’ll wear those.

Honestly, I always thought Barbie was some silly feminine doll, and now I read that there were Barbie dolls that were Air Force pilots, airline pilots, and those were way back in the olden days when I was doing that and felt like a freak. I had no idea. Barbie astronaut, way back when. Kind of makes me wonder if the way she slipped on through the male dominated world was because so many thought she was nothing but a silly, pink feminine doll.


Hmmm, I was never a fan of plastic dolls. My older sister had a few but I was more interested in running, climbing trees, skateboarding and playing basketball and tossing a football around. I don’t think I had any barbie’s, only my older sis and her friends did.

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My daughter played with Ariel for a while but she really got interested in dolls when she met a family of 3 girls when she was about 8. They played with American girl dolls, having them climb trees and jump out of second story windows with homemade parachutes. For me it was a whole lot easier making clothes and accoutrements for an 18 inch doll than for tiny Barbie.

My 29 yo son saw Barbie on Friday night and loved it.

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